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File #: MAPN-22-0006    Version: Name: ConnectCOS Master Transportation Plan City of Colorado Springs 2023 Intermodal Transportation Plan
Type: Resolution Status: Mayor's Office
File created: 9/23/2022 In control: City Council
On agenda: 3/14/2023 Final action: 3/14/2023
Title: Ordinance No. 23-13 adopting the ConnectCOS Master Transportation Plan, the City of Colorado Springs 2023 Intermodal Transportation Plan as amended at the February 28, 2023 City Council meeting. Presenter: Ted Ritschard, P.E., Olsson Todd Frisbie, P.E., PTOE, City Traffic Engineer, Public Works Department Tim Roberts, Transportation Planning Program Manager, Public Works Department Travis Easton, P.E., Public Works Director, Public Works Department
Attachments: 1. 1_ConnectCOS_ORDINANCE-2023-02-28 (006), 2. Connect COS Presentation 03142023, 3. Council COS Connect Public Hearing Presentation 02282023, 4. CPC_Minutes_2.8.23_ConnectCOS DRAFT, 5. ConnectCOS Disposition, 6. ConnectCOS Formal Comment Period, 7. ConnectCOS Post_Formal Comment Period, 8. Ordinance 01-58 Intermodal Transportation Plan, 9. CPC_StaffReport_ConnetCOS, 10. Public_Comments_CPC, 11. CPC_ConnectCOS_Presentation, 12. ConnectCOS_ORD-2023-01-03_LOcomments_RG comments, 13. Council Work Session Presentation 02132023, 14. ConnectCOS_ORDINANCE-2023-02-13 (004), 15. Signed Ordinance No. 23-13.pdf
Related files: 22-800

Ordinance No. 23-13 adopting the ConnectCOS Master Transportation Plan, the City of Colorado Springs 2023 Intermodal Transportation Plan as amended at the February 28, 2023 City Council meeting.

Ted Ritschard, P.E., Olsson
Todd Frisbie, P.E., PTOE, City Traffic Engineer, Public Works Department
Tim Roberts, Transportation Planning Program Manager, Public Works Department
Travis Easton, P.E., Public Works Director, Public Works Department

The ConnectCOS Transportation Plan for a Mobile Community is a city-wide and multi-modal transportation master plan, which is intended to replace the 2001 Intermodal Transportation Plan in its entirety except for certain identified topical elements. The attached ordinance includes an amendment to the ConnectCOS Master Transportation Plan from the February 28, 2023 City Council meeting. The amendment modifies the description for project #105 Central East-West Mobility Study to conduct a study to determine multimodal strategies for improving east-west mobility while prioritizing the value of existing neighborhoods within the study area bounded by I-25 on the west, Powers Blvd to the east, and including of the Fillmore Street and Uintah Street corridors. The study will remove any consideration of an extension of Constitution Avenue between I-25 and Paseo Road and encourage the evaluation of the Rock Island right-of-way for inclusion into the City's Park System as a greenway. The study will consider regional influences of planned projects and updated information from the Transit Vision Network and future approved updates to the Regional Transit Plan and Regional Travel Demand Model.

Colorado Springs and the transportation planning industry have transformed significantly since the last update to a citywide transportation plan occurred in 2001. Emerging technologies, changing demographics and travel choices, have changed along with perceptions and expectations for an effective ...

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