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File #: DVSA-23-0004    Version: Name: Printers Hill Development Standards Adjustment
Type: Planning Case Status: Passed
File created: 11/27/2023 In control: City Council
On agenda: 6/25/2024 Final action: 6/25/2024
Title: A Development Standards Adjustment to City Code Sections 7.2.305 and 7.4.201, to allow for a maximum building height of 160 feet where 65 feet is required, and to provide amenities of public open spaces, corridors, parks, public art, community garden, mini-park plazas and greater architectural design located at 101 South Union Boulevard. (Quasi-Judicial) Presenter: Gabe Sevigny, Planning Supervisor, Planning and Neighborhood Services Kevin Walker, Interim Planning Director, Planning and Neighborhood Services
Attachments: 1. Attachment 6 - DVSA - Site Plan, 2. Attachment 7 - DVSA - Project Statement, 3. 7.5.525 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS ADJUSTMENT
Related files: LUPL-23-0010, ZONE-23-0032


A Development Standards Adjustment to City Code Sections 7.2.305 and 7.4.201, to allow for a maximum building height of 160 feet where 65 feet is required, and to provide amenities of public open spaces, corridors, parks, public art, community garden, mini-park plazas and greater architectural design located at 101 South Union Boulevard.





Gabe Sevigny, Planning Supervisor, Planning and Neighborhood Services

Kevin Walker, Interim Planning Director, Planning and Neighborhood Services




Owner: UPH Partners

Representative: Vertex Consulting

Location: 101 South Union Boulevard


This project, known as Printers Hill, is located at 101 South Union Boulevard, the Union Printers Home site, and includes concurrent applications for a zone change, Land Use Plan, and a Development Standard Adjustment for the associated 26.21-acre site. The Development Standards Adjustment is requested for a maximum building height of 160 feet, where 65 feet is required, and to provide amenities of public open spaces, corridors, parks, public art, community garden, mini-park plazas, and greater architectural designs.



Please see the attached City Planning Commission Staff Report for a complete analysis of the proposed applications.


  Review Criteria: 


The review criteria for a Development Standards Adjustment, file number: DVSA-23-0004 as set forth in City Code Section 7.5.525.E (UDC) are noted below.


1.                     The alternative design achieves the intent of the subject standard to the same or better degree than the standard for which a waiver is requested.

2.                     When considered together with compensating benefits, the alternative design advances the goals and policies of this UDC to the same or better degree than the standard for which a waiver is requested.

3.                     The alternative design imposes no greater impacts on adjacent properties that would occur through compliance with the specific requirements of this UDC.

4.                     The alternative design provides compensating benefits that are reasonably related to the proposed waiver and would not otherwise be required by this UDC or State law. Compensating benefits may include one or a combination of the following:

a.                     Benefits to the general public:

i.                     Parks, trails, or other similar public or cultural facilities; 

ii.                     Public landscape buffers or beautification areas;

iii.                     Public art;

iv.                     Permanent conservation of natural areas or lands;

v.                     Increased building setbacks;

vi.                     Decreased building height; or

vii.                     Other benefits as agreed upon by the Planning Commission.

b.                     Benefits the users, customers, or residents of the proposed development:

i.                     Green space or public open space, trails, or other similar recreational amenities;

ii.                     Upgrades in architectural design;

iii.                     Increased landscaping;

iv.                     Increased buffering;

v.                     Permanent conservation of natural areas or lands;

vi.                     Secure bicycle facilities, where appropriate; or

vii.                     Other benefits as agreed upon by the Planning Commission or City Council


Planning Commission and Staff finds that the criteria of UDC Section 7.5.525.E, which are applicable to a Development Standards Adjustment have been met with this application.


  Previous Council Action:



  Financial Implications:



  City Council Appointed Board/Commission/Committee Recommendation:

On May 8, 2024, the Planning Commission voted to approve the applications (7-0-2; Commissioners Rickett and Hensler recused). Please reference the minutes from the hearing for a detailed record.


Recommended Action

  Proposed Motions:

1.                     Motion to Approve

Approve the Development Standards Adjustment to City Code Sections 7.2.305 and 7.4.201 allowing for the establishment of a maximum building height of 160 feet as depicted on the associated site plan based upon the findings that the request complies with the criteria for Development Standards Adjustment as set forth in City Code Section 7.5.525.


2.                     Motion to Deny

Deny the Development Standards Adjustment to City Code Sections 7.2.305 and 7.4.201 allowing for the establishment of a maximum building height of 160 feet based upon the findings that the request does not comply with the criteria for Development Standards Adjustment as set forth in City Code Section 7.5.525.


Summary of Ordinance Language





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