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File #: 25-030    Version: 1 Name: A Resolution authorizing the acquisition of real property, permanent easements and temporary easements using PPRTA funds for the Marksheffel Road - North Carefree to Dublin Project.
Type: Informational Report Status: Mayor's Office
File created: 12/27/2024 In control: City Council
On agenda: 1/28/2025 Final action: 1/28/2025
Title: A Resolution authorizing the acquisition of real property, permanent easements and temporary easements using PPRTA funds for the Marksheffel Road - North Carefree to Dublin Project. Presenter: Gayle Sturdivant, PE, PMP, City Engineer/Deputy Public Works Director Kellie Billingsley, Real Estate Services Manager
Attachments: 1. 1_Oly_VanDW - Location Map, 2. 2_Oly_VanDW - Resolution, 3. 3_Resolution - Exhibit A, 4. 4_Resolution - Exhibit B, 5. 5_Resolution - Exhibit C, 6. 6_Marksheffel - Oly_VanDW Presentation, 7. Signed Resolution No. 11-25.pdf

A Resolution authorizing the acquisition of real property, permanent easements and temporary easements using PPRTA funds for the Marksheffel Road - North Carefree to Dublin Project.

Gayle Sturdivant, PE, PMP, City Engineer/Deputy Public Works Director
Kellie Billingsley, Real Estate Services Manager

The acquisition proposal would authorize the City of Colorado Springs Real Estate Services Manager and the Public Works Director to enter into Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreements with the property owners for real property and easements as set forth in the table below:
Property Owner
(Square Feet)
Permanent Public Improvement Easement
(Square Feet)
Utility Easement CSU
(Square Feet)
Temporary Construction Easement (Square Feet)
Gerald M. and Sharon A. Oleszek

Duane A. and Diane M. Van Der Wege
Gerald M. and Sharon A. Oleszek

known as (the "Properties") in connection with the Marksheffel Road - North Carefree to Dublin Project (the "Project").

The negotiated purchase price, based on appraisals, of the Properties is shown below:

Property Owner
Acquisition Amount
Gerald M. Oleszek
Duane A. and Diane M. Van Der Wege
Gerald M. Oleszek


The Project was identified by the Pikes Peak Rural Transportation Authority ("PPRTA") as an "A-list" priority project. The PPRTA committed funding for the Project, which commenced construction in May 2023, and is anticipated to be completed in December 2026.

The Properties to be acquired will allow for the widening of Marksheffel Road and for the construction of the corresponding infrastructure (see attached Location Map for Project location).

Included in the acquisition of the Properties for the Project are permanent easements to be acquired on behalf of Colorado Springs ...

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