A Resolution approving a service plan allowing for the creation of the Peak Metropolitan Districts Nos. 1, 2 and 3
Carl Schueler, Planning Manager- Comprehensive Planning, Planning and Development Department
Peter Wysocki, Planning and Development Director
This is request by the Colorado Springs Airport on behalf of the City. This service plan would allow formation of the Peak Metropolitan Districts which would provide public financing for improvements serving remaining undeveloped areas of the Airport Business Park.
This agenda item was introduced at the City Council Work Session on August 13, 2018.
Previous Council Action:
There have been no prior special district related actions applicable to these properties. Council has taken various other land use and related actions pertinent to the property including approval of the overall Airport Master Plan in 2011 as well as master plans and concept plan pertaining to the Airport Business Park, last approved in 2006. The Airport Master Plan applies primarily to areas north of Milton Proby Parkway, while the Airport Business Park Master Plan is applicable mostly for areas to the south. Additional land use applications are under review for the Airport Business Park; however, these changes, if approved, will not fundamentally change the overall anticipated land use mix for this area.
This item was discussed the City Council Budget Committee on July 10, 2018, as further described below.
The proposed Peak Metropolitan Districts Nos. 1, 2 and 3 (the "Districts"), are planned to have a variety of non-residential uses associated with the Airport Business Park. District No. 1 is anticipated to be the operating district, with Districts No. 2 and No. 3 being used as two different commercial districts for phasing reasons (but otherwise being similar with respect to purposes and limitations).
The area of the initial boundaries for all the di...
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