Ordinance No. 19-48 amending Ordinance No. 18-118 (2019 Appropriation Ordinance) for a supplemental appropriation to the Lodgers & Auto Rental Tax (LART) Fund in the amount of $25,000 for the Flying W Ranch project as recommended by the LART Citizen Advisory Committee
Charae McDaniel, Chief Financial Officer
Laurel Prud'homme, Chair, LART Citizen Advisory Committee
In 2018, revenues exceeded expenditures in the Lodgers & Auto Rental Tax (LART) fund, which allowed for additional funds to be available for projects and events. The LART Citizen Advisory Committee, at their June 2019 meeting, recommended approval of one (1) additional item. The attached ordinance is a supplemental appropriation for the LART Fund in the amount of $25,000 for the following additional items, as recommended by the LART Citizen Advisory Committee.
? Flying W Ranch $25,000
Previous Council Action:
On September 11, 2018, City Council recommended LART expenditures to be included in the 2019 budget (Resolution No. 98-18). On November 27, 2018, City Council approved the 2019 Budget per Ordinance No. 18-118, which included the appropriation of funds for the LART Fund. On May 28, 2019, a request for a supplemental appropriation to the LART fund was introduced at City Council work session for five additional 2019 projects and events.
A number of events in the community have been designated by Council resolutions over the years as "City-sponsored events" and are supported in whole or in part by LART funds. The remaining funds are allocated to projects and events in the community through an application process and extensive review by the LART Citizen Advisory Committee, which results in their recommendation to City Council for projects to include in the City's annual budget (Exhibit A: 2019 List of LART Recommended Projects).
The LART Citizen Advisory Committee, at their April meeting, reviewed additional applications for fun...
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