A Resolution Rescinding and Replacing Resolution Nos. 09-06 and 10-06, Establishing Special District Review Fees and Including the City's Previously Adopted Special District Policy and Model Service Plans
(Legislative Item)
Peter Wysocki, Planning and Community Development Director
Carl Schueler, Comprehensive Planning Manager, Planning and Community Development Department
The purpose of this resolution is to establish an updated Special District application and review fee schedule effective March 1, 2019. The attached fee schedule (Exhibit C) reflects 100% cost recovery and is based on a cost of service approach as outlined in the City's User Fee Policy. The schedule includes new fees for certain processes and a reduction for others, resulting in a modest estimated net annual revenue increase. Going forward, these fees will be reviewed periodically based on the schedule recommended by the City's User Fee Policy - preferably every two to three years.
The 2006 resolutions that established the current fees, also adopted the City's current versions of the Special District Policy and a prior version of the Model Service Plans. Therefore, this resolution also includes the most recent previously adopted versions of these documents as Exhibits A and B, respectively.
Previous Council Action:
City Council adopted prior resolutions concerning special district fees, Resolution 09-06 and Resolution 10-06 (Figures 1 and 2 respectively). These Resolutions established the current fees for processing districts and include an application form and schedule that is proposed to be eliminated. These resolutions were approved in January 2006 and the fees have not been adjusted since then.
The Special District Policy as also attached to Resolution 9-06, has not been updated since that time. The Model Service Plan as attached to this same resolution, have subsequently been amended by Resolution 12-113 which was adopted on Septem...
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