Ordinance No. 16-45 to change the zoning of 4.75 acres located at the northeast corner of Platte Avenue and Wooten Road from PIP-1/AO to C-5/AO. Quasi-Judicial
Mike Schultz, Principal Planner, Land Use Review
Peter Wysocki, Planning and Development Director, Planning and Development Department
Applicant: FN, LLC (Joy Focht) and Olsson Associates
Owner: FN, LLC (Joy Focht)
Location: Platte Avenue/Wooten Road/Edison Avenue
There are four applications as part of this project:
1. Vacation of Right-of-way
2. Development Plan
3. Zone Change
4. Concept Plan
The subject properties are located at the northeast corner of Platte Avenue and Wooten Road (Exhibit B_Area Map). The property owner and applicant are requesting to vacate a portion of Edison Avenue (Exhibit A - Vacation of Edison Rd ROW Plat) and reconstruct and realign Edison Avenue to the north as part of a proposed convenience store at the northeast corner of Platte Avenue and Wooten Road (Figure 2_Development Plan). The property owner is also seeking zone change and concept plan (Figure 3_ Concept Plan) approval for a proposed retail building for the property immediately east of the convenience store (approximately 500 feet east of the Platte Avenue and Wooten Road intersection). The applicant will be responsible for the construction of the realigned Edison Avenue roadway.
Previous Council Action:
The proposed Kum & Go convenience store project proposes to vacate .384 acres (16,727 square feet) of the Edison Avenue frontage right-of-way and realign Edison Avenue to the north and away from the Platte Avenue intersection. The development plan proposes a 6,217 square foot convenience store and fueling area with 10 covered fuel pumps on the 2.47 acre property.
The need to realign the frontage road is two-fold: the current intersection is unsafe for motorists due to the proximity of the frontage road to the Platte Avenue intersection. Th...
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