Pueblo Board of Water Works Clear Creek Reservoir Intergovernmental Agreement
Kim Gortz, Water Resources Planning Supervisor, Colorado Springs Utilities
Aram Benyamin, Chief Executive Officer, Colorado Springs Utilities
Colorado Springs Utilities is seeking City Council approval to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Board of Water Works of Pueblo, CO ("Pueblo Water") for participation in a feasibility study of an enlargement of Clear Creek Reservoir.
Pueblo Water is the owner and operator of Clear Creek Reservoir, located in the Upper Arkansas Basin in Chaffee County. Pueblo Water is investigating and intends to pursue a project to enlarge the current Clear Creek Reservoir capacity of 11,015 AF to approximately 30,000 AF of storage capacity. Colorado Springs Utilities desires to participate with Pueblo Water in investigating the feasibility of an additional enlargement of Clear Creek Reservoir. Colorado Springs Utilities and Pueblo Water have negotiated the attached intergovernmental agreement that provides the terms of Colorado Springs Utilities' participation in the feasibility study and for Colorado Springs Utilities and Pueblo Water to negotiate further intergovernmental agreements for Colorado Springs Utilities' participation in the enlargement of Clear Creek Reservoir if the study determines an enlargement is feasible.
Previous Council Action:
Financial Implications:
Equal cost share between the parties of $304,056.00
City Council Appointed Board/Commission/Committee Recommendation:
Stakeholder Process:
(1) Approve the resolution approving the intergovernmental agreement; (2) not approve the resolution; (3) modify the resolution or the intergovernmental agreement; or (4) refer the matter back for further consideration.
Proposed Motion:
Motion for City Council to approve the Resolution authorizing the Chief Executive Officer to execute th...
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