A Resolution rescinding Resolution No. 87-17 and Resolution No. 78-17 and establishing marijuana business application and license fees and charges
Mona Hirjoi, Budget Manager, Budget Office, Finance
The attached fee resolution and schedule establishes the proposed fees effective immediately, for the licensing of marijuana businesses. The attached proposed fee schedule (Exhibit A) reflects 100% cost recovery
The fee schedule aligns with the City’s Revenue Policy and User Fee Policy, ensuring that the City Clerk’s Office is collecting fees at an appropriate cost recovery level. The 2025 fee schedule reflects 100% cost recovery of all direct and indirect costs, including the planned addition of a License Enforcement Officer II and a License Specialist II
Previous Council Action:
The current Medical Marijuana Business Application and License Fees schedule was most recently approved with the passage of Resolution 87-17 at the August 8, 2017 City Council meeting. .
Financial Implications:
The fee schedule will generate a projected additional $350,100 in fee revenue
City Council Appointed Board/Commission/Committee Recommendation:
Stakeholder Process:
Recommended Action
Proposed Motion:
Move to approve a resolution rescinding Resolution No. 87-17 and establishing marijuana business application and license fees and charges.
Summary of Ordinance Language