A Resolution Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement between the City of Colorado Springs and the Pikes Peak Area Council of Governments (PPACG) in Support of the Specialized Transportation Program
Lan Rao, Acting Transit Services Manager
Erin McCauley, Transit Compliance & Safety Supervisor
The City of Colorado Springs was the designated recipient for federal Section 5310 - "Enhanced Mobility for Seniors and People with Disabilities" - funds for the Colorado Springs Urbanized Area from 2013 through 2020. In 2021, the Pikes Peak Area Council of Governments (PPACG) became the designated recipient, and to ensure a smooth transition, the City entered into an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) with PPACG to provide annual operating funds from its Pikes Peak Rural Transportation Authority (PPRTA) allocation if PPACG agreed to report trip data to the National Transit Database (NTD). PPACG and the City have since discovered that certain requirements in the original IGA are impossible to fulfill and have drafted a new IGA to address the issues.
On January 12, 2021, City Council approved Resolution 03-21. The Resolution approved and authorized an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) between the City and the Pikes Peak Area Council of Governments (PPACG) to transfer administration of the Specialized Transportation Program from the City to PPACG.
That IGA contained a requirement that PPACG apply for a National Transit Database (NTD) identification and report Specialized Transportation operating and asset data beginning January 1, 2021. The IGA also provided for a base level of funding support each year from the City of Colorado Springs and the potential for additional funding if the region received an increase in grant funding due to PPACG reporting NTD data.
Both parties have since learned that PPACG cannot obtain an NTD identification. Instead, each of the individual specialized transportation providers...
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