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File #: CPC MP 92-227-A1MJ17    Version: Name: HistoricCOS
Type: Resolution Status: Mayor's Office
File created: 8/28/2017 In control: City Council
On agenda: 12/10/2019 Final action: 12/10/2019
Title: A resolution adopting HistoricCOS as the City of Colorado Springs Historic Preservation Plan. (LEGISLATIVE) Presenter: Peter Wysocki, Director, Planning and Community Development Daniel Sexton, Principal Planner, Planning & Community Development
Indexes: Historic Preservation, Master Plan Amendment
Attachments: 1. Resolution_HistoricCOS, 2. CC_HistoricCOS_Staff-Presentation, 3. CPC Report_HistoricCOS, 4. FIGURE 1 - Action Item Matrix, 5. FIGURE 2 - HistoricCOS Preservation Steering Committee Roster, 6. FinalPlan_HistoricCOS_1232019, 7. CPC_Minutes_HistoricPreservation_draft, 8. Signed Resolution 149-19.pdf

A resolution adopting HistoricCOS as the City of Colorado Springs Historic Preservation Plan.


Peter Wysocki, Director, Planning and Community Development
Daniel Sexton, Principal Planner, Planning & Community Development

In late spring of 2017, the City began work on developing a new Historic Preservation Plan for the City (herein referred to as "HistoricCOS"). Through a competitive process, Stan Clauson Associates, a Colorado based landscape design and urban planning consultant firm, was selected as the lead project consultant. Additional sub-consultants for the project included:

- Roxanne Eflin
- Tatanka Historical Associates, Inc.

HistoricCOS is considered a city-wide master plan and is adopted by resolution as a supplement to PlanCOS. If adopted by City Council, HistoricCOS will replace the current City of Colorado Springs Historic Preservation Plan, which was adopted and has been in place since 1993.

HistoricCOS was created through a two-year iterative planning process that sought active participation from the community. The Plan is organized around traditional headings found in most preservation plans, such as executive summary, policies and values, and historic context sections. HistoricCOS takes preservation planning a step further by creating a community-based and action-oriented plan that also examined historic preservation at all levels of government to better educate and inform our community on the importance of historic preservation and cultural heritage, and its usefulness as a neighborhood planning tool. The Plan's Action Matrix also looks to leverage ongoing economic and community development efforts to actively protect and utilize irreplaceable historic and cultural resources. As set forth in PlanCOS, HistoricCOS builds upon the guidance surrounding neighborhoods in a way that the community should be proud of its past and be ready to share its heritage story.

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