Ordinance No. 15-55 creating a new Section 9.7.209 pertaining to the manufacture of marijuana concentrates involving the use of a compressed flammable gas, flammable gas, flammable liquid, or combustible liquid as a solvent in a residential setting, and providing penalties for the violation thereof.
Christopher P. Riley, Fire Chief
The City of Colorado Springs Fire Department seeks City Council's approval to adopt an ordinance creating a new section of the Code of the City of Colorado Springs to prohibit the extraction of hash oil through the use of a compressed flammable gas, flammable gas, flammable liquid, or combustible liquids in a residential setting. This ordinance is necessary for the public health, safety, and welfare of our community and impacted emergency responders.
Previous Council Action:
There has been no previous Council action on the extraction of hash oil; however, there have been actions related to marijuana at a City and State level, as summarized below:
City of Colorado Springs Marijuana-related ordinances include Chapter 2 (Business Licensing, Liquor Regulation and Taxation), Article 3 (Sales of Goods and Services), Part 1 (Medical Marijuana License Code), and Chapter 9 (Public Offenses) Article 7 (Dangerous Weapons and Substances) Part 2 (Other Dangerous Weapons and Substances) 9.7.206 (possession of marijuana), 9.7.207 (consumption of marijuana in public prohibited), and 9.7.208 (consumption of marijuana in vehicles prohibited).
Colorado's marijuana industries are in place due to the passage of citizen ballot initiatives to modify our state's constitution. Both sections addressing Colorado's marijuana industries are contained within Article XVIII: Section 14 Medical Use of Marijuana for Persons Suffering from Debilitation Medical Conditions and Section 16 Personal Use and Regulation of Marijuana (Recreational). Statutes.
Related provisions of Colorado Revised Statutes (C.R.S...
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