A resolution of the City Council of Colorado Springs approving the Intergovernmental Agreements concerning the funding, implementation, and administration of programs involving police officers in schools.
Commander Rafael Cintron, Colorado Springs Police Department - Gold Hill Division
The resolution authorizes the Intergovernmental Agreements between the City of Colorado Springs and Colorado Springs School District 11, Harrison School District 2, Cheyenne Mountain School District 12, Academy School District 20, and Falcon School District 49 for the purpose of providing funding, implementation, and administration of programs involving police officers in schools serving as School Resource Officers.
Previous Council Action:
These agreements govern 16 School Resource Officers (SROs) who are assigned to various high schools in each district. Although they primarily work in the high schools, the officers are also responsible for significant activities in the transitional middle schools.
During 2015, SROs were involved in approximately 2,653 calls for service, and completed 581 case reports, 335 supplements, 29 Field Interview Reports/contacts, 44 felony arrests, 511 misdemeanor arrests, and issued 75 traffic summonses. They also handled 367 Safe2Tell tips and taught 675 law enforcement related classes.
Many of the calls for service mentioned above involved sensitive cases such as weapons possession, felony drug possession, arson, and suicidal juveniles. In addition to their specific crime enforcement duties, the SROs provided support to the Southeast Springs Soccer Initiative, served as CSPD Cadet Advisors providing training and mentorship, and participated in the city-wide Drive Smart campaign. These officers are also board members of the Colorado Association of School Resource Officers (CASRO), Police Protective Association, Teen Court, and provide significant support to...
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