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File #: ZONE-23-0026    Version: Name: Rock Creek Mesa Annexation - Zone Establishment to R-Flex-Med (East Side)
Type: Ordinance Status: Mayor's Office
File created: 10/17/2024 In control: City Council
On agenda: 2/11/2025 Final action: 2/11/2025
Title: Ordinance No. 25-27 establishing a R-Flex-Med/HS-O/WUI-O (R-Flex Medium Scale with Hillside and Wildland Urban Interface Overlay) zone district for 38.11 acres located west of Highway 115 and south of Cheyenne Mountain State Park. (Legislative) Related Files: ANEX-24-0001RF, ANEX-24-0001, ANEX-24-0002RF, ANEX-24-0002, ANEX-24-0003RF, ANEX-24-0003, ANEX-24-0004RF, ANEX-24-0004, ANEX-24-0005RF, ANEX-24-0005, ANEX-24-0006RF, ANEX-24-0006, ANEX-24-0007RF, ANEX-24-0007, ZONE-23-0026, ZONE-23-0027, ZONE-23-0030, MAPN-23-0009 Not currently located within a Council District, however, if approved it would be anticipated to be within Council District 3. Presenter: Gabe Sevigny, Planning Supervisor, City Planning Department Kevin Walker, Planning Director
Sponsors: Planning Department
Attachments: 1. 7.5.704 ZONING MAP AMENDMENT (REZONING), 2. Zoning Ordinance-Rock Creek Mesa - R-Flex-HS-WUI-O - ZONE-23-0026, 3. Exhibit A - Legal Description - R-Flex Med-HS-WUI-O - ZONE-23-0026, 4. Exhibit B - Map Depiction - R-Flex Med-HS-WUI-O - ZONE-23-0026, 5. Signed Ordinance No. 25-27.pdf
Related files: ANEX-24-0005, ANEX-24-0007, ANEX-24-0002, ANEX-24-0003, ANEX-24-0004, ANEX-24-0006, ANEX-24-0001, ANEX-24-0002RF, ANEX-24-0005RF, ANEX-24-0003RF, ANEX-24-0004RF, ANEX-24-0006RF, ANEX-24-0007RF, ANEX-24-0001R, MAPN-23-0009, ZONE-23-0027, ZONE-23-0030
Ordinance No. 25-27 establishing a R-Flex-Med/HS-O/WUI-O (R-Flex Medium Scale with Hillside and Wildland Urban Interface Overlay) zone district for 38.11 acres located west of Highway 115 and south of Cheyenne Mountain State Park.

Related Files: ANEX-24-0001RF, ANEX-24-0001, ANEX-24-0002RF, ANEX-24-0002, ANEX-24-0003RF, ANEX-24-0003, ANEX-24-0004RF, ANEX-24-0004, ANEX-24-0005RF, ANEX-24-0005, ANEX-24-0006RF, ANEX-24-0006, ANEX-24-0007RF, ANEX-24-0007, ZONE-23-0026, ZONE-23-0027, ZONE-23-0030, MAPN-23-0009

Not currently located within a Council District, however, if approved it would be anticipated to be within Council District 3.

Gabe Sevigny, Planning Supervisor, City Planning Department
Kevin Walker, Planning Director

Owner: Rock Creek Residential LLC
Representative: Matrix
Location: West of Highway 115 and south of Cheyenne Mountain State Park.

This project includes concurrent applications for annexation, establishment of zoning, and a Land Use Plan for the associated 109-acres located west of Highway 115 and south of Cheyenne Mountain State Park. The land use plan illustrates the proposed land use configuration, access and circulation, intended infrastructure and overall intent. The proposed zoning will establish a R-Flex-Med/HS-O/WUI-O (R-Flex Medium Scale with Hillside and Wildland Urban Interface Overlay), PK/WUI-O (Public Parks with Wildland Urban Interface Overlay), and R-Flex-Med/WUI-O (R-Flex Medium Scale with Wildland Urban Interface Overlay) zone districts to allow for a serial annexation consisting of a 53.84 acre parcel owned by the City of Colorado Springs and the remainder to be on private property and future right-of-way to be built to city standards and dedicated as public-rights-of-way.

Please see the attached City Planning Commission Staff Report for a complete analysis of the proposed applications.

Review Criteria:
The review criteria for a Zoning Establishm...

Click here for full text

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