A Resolution Approving an Agreement Providing Water and Wastewater Service to Land Located Outside the City Limits of Colorado Springs and Agreement to Annex for 5335 Turquoise Drive in Park Vista Estates Addition
Brian Whitehead, Systems Extensions Manager, Water Services Division
Jerry Forte, P.E., Chief Executive Officer, Colorado Springs Utilities
Randolph and Marie Bowen ("Property Owners") submitted a request to Colorado Springs Utilities for water and wastewater service at 5335 Turquoise Drive (the "Property") in the enclave of Park Vista Estates Addition. City Code gives specific direction on administering requests for water and wastewater service outside the City limits.
Previous Council Action:
Water and wastewater service is not provided to customers outside of the City limits unless there is a prior contractual obligation or it is specifically approved by the Colorado Springs City Council pursuant to City Code requirements. In the past two years, City Council approved Agreements to Annex and consequently approved the water and/or wastewater service request for four (4) residences in the Park Vista enclaves.
City Code Section 7.6.210, Service without Annexation, allows the City Council in its legislative discretion to authorize water and wastewater service outside City limits. Property Owners have executed an Agreement to Annex ("Agreement") whereby they have irrevocably consented to annex the Property to the City and agreed to surrender groundwater rights as a condition of service. The Agreement limits development of the Property to single-family residential use and it requires Property Owners to comply with all codes, ordinances, rules, regulations and policies of the City including, but not limited to, the City's Subdivision Code, Building Code, Fire Code, Drainage Ordinance, Utilities Line Extension Standards and Ordinances, Zoning Code and Landscape Code.
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