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File #: 22-285    Version: 1 Name: Affordable and Attainable Multi-Family Rental Fee Rebate Program
Type: Ordinance Status: Mayor's Office
File created: 5/4/2022 In control: City Council
On agenda: 6/28/2022 Final action: 6/28/2022
Title: A resolution adopting a land use fee rebate program for affordable and attainable housing Presenter: Steve Posey, Community Development Division Manager Peter Wysocki, Director, Planning & Community Development
Indexes: Fees
Attachments: 1. AffordableHousingFeeRebateRES-2022-05-18, 2. Fee Rebate Program CC 2022(1), 3. HomeCOS Update 2022_Incomes and Rent, 4. ProgramRules_MultiFamilyAffordable&AttainableRentalHousingFreeRebate, 5. Signed Resolution No. 86-22
Related files: 22-339

A resolution adopting a land use fee rebate program for affordable and attainable housing

Steve Posey, Community Development Division Manager
Peter Wysocki, Director, Planning & Community Development

The Affordable & Attainable Rental Housing Fee Rebate Program proposes to make available a fund that can be accessed to assist with development charges accrued to multi-family rental projects. Based on levels of affordability and guarantees of ongoing affordability, developers can apply for funds to help offset the cost of various development charges, including Land Use Review, the PLDO, Public Works, and Colorado Springs Utilities.

The program does not constitute a fee reduction or waiver. Each project applying for a fee rebate will continue to have all fees determined at current levels. The developer/project sponsor will continue to be responsible for paying 100% of all fees related to the project, however, the Community Development Manager will be authorized to determine a portion of the fees to be rebated based on the following criteria:

Number of units affordable to households earning 50% or less of the area median income (10 points available)
Ongoing affordability period (10 points available)
Number of units set-aside for special needs populations (5 points available)
Number of units exceeding Section 504 requirements (3 points available)
Incorporation of Universal Design principles (4 points available)
Alignment with City planning documents, including PlanCOS and HomeCOS (8 points available)
Location in a high opportunity area (4 points available)
Incorporation of CSU energy conservation programs (6 points available)

Applications for funds to rebate development charges will be accepted while funding is available. Funds will be provided on a first-come, first-served basis. Regardless of the number of applications reviewed and preliminarily approved, funds will only be made available on an annual basis up to, but no...

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