A Resolution Supporting the Acceptance of a Grant From the Colorado Department of Transportation for the Pikes Peak Greenway Trail I-25 North Project
Tilah Larson, Senior Grants Analyst
The Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Department received a Transportation Enhancement grant from the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) in the amount of $411,124 for Pikes Peak Greenway Trail improvements from the I-25 underpass to Cottonwood Creek. This project includes approximately 1 mile of trail reconstruction along a primary trail corridor used for commuting and recreation. Reconstruction includes milling existing asphalt along the trail and installing a concrete trail. Additional improvements include a 4 foot trail shoulder for running where the trail alignment permits, drainage improvements and trail grading for ADA accessibility. Currently, the design of the trail is approximately 90% complete.
The total cost of this project is anticipated to be approximately $511,000 dollars, with $411,124 provided by CDOT through the Transportation Enhancement Grant. The remaining balance previously appropriated in budget year 2011 will serve additionally as a grant match to meet the requirements of the CDOT grant agreement.
City Council is required to pass a Resolution of Grant Acceptance in order to receive the $411,124 in Transportation Enhancement grant funds.
Previous Council Action:
City Council appropriated $102,781 in 2011 for this project.
The Pikes Peak Greenway Trail is a major multi-use trail corridor in Colorado Springs. Multiple planning documents identify improvements along the Pikes Peak Greenway Trail as a high-priority for improving the overall connectivity, function and recreation opportunities provided by the Colorado Springs urban trail network. Improvements identified in this project will allow safe trail passage, improve user experience and increase accessibility. If approved, the project will proceed in 2016.
The Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Department submitted a grant application for the 2007-2012 Transportation Enhancement grant round for this project. The application was successful and the Department received a final grant agreement from CDOT in December 2015. Completion of the grant agreement requires a City Council resolution accepting the grant in order to receive transportation enhancement funds, which are federal funds made available to CDOT to support pedestrian and bicycle facility projects. The City as well as the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Department have been the recipient of multiple Transportation Enhancement grants in the past.
This item supports the City’s strategic goal relating to investing in infrastructure. As the major Tier 1 spine trail running through Colorado Springs, these improvements will create a safer trail section with an improved user experience and increased accessibility.
Financial Implications:
The Pikes Peak Greenway Trail project is estimated to cost $511,000. A total of $102,781 was appropriated in 2011 and is currently available for expenditure. By passing a Resolution of Acceptance the City will receive an additional $411,124 in Transportation Enhancement Grant funds to complete improvements along the Pikes Peak Greenway Trail. Acceptance of this grant does not require further appropriation of funds.
Board/Commission Recommendation:
The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board previously supported the Pikes Peak Greenway project as part of the Transportation Enhancement Grant.
Stakeholder Process:
The Park System Master Plan reaffirmed the Pikes Peak Greenway Trail as a priority trail corridor for both active transportation commuters and recreational trail users. The plan encourages continued maintenance of our urban trail corridor in order to serve citizens across Colorado Springs. The Park System Master Plan was developed with public input gathered through an extensive public outreach process.
City Council may choose not to pass a Resolution of Acceptance for the Transportation Enhancement grant funds for the Pikes Peak Greenway Trail. Doing so would forfeit $411,124 in Transportation Enhancement grant funds.
Recommended Action
Proposed Motion:
Pass a Resolution of Acceptance to receive $411,124 in Transportation Enhancement grant funds for the Pikes Peak Greenway Trail Project.
Summary of Ordinance Language