A Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Execute and Administer an IGA between the City of Colorado Springs (City) and the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) for Landscaping Costs Associated with the I-25 / Cimarron Expressway Interchange Project
Kathleen Krager, Traffic Division Manager
Travis Easton, P.E., Public Works Director
The attached resolution will authorize the Mayor to execute the attached IGA between the City of Colorado Springs, and the Department of Transportation. The IGA commits $1.5 million from the City of Colorado Springs to pay for the planned landscaping of the soon to be finished I-25 and Cimarron Interchange.
Previous Council Action:
As part of the conceptual and preliminary design process for the I-25 and Cimarron Interchange Project, CDOT organized a working group of stakeholders to develop a landscaping plan for the Cimarron Interchange. Since this interchange serves as a main access to downtown Colorado Springs such stakeholder input was determined to be very important. The group, working with City Staff, CDOT Staff and the CDOT consultant developed a plan to provide an appealing mix of sustainable landscaping within the interchange rights-of-way (ROW).
When CDOT took the Cimarron Project to bid, funding for the project was not sufficient to cover the entire project. Additional funding was added to the project and the scope of services was reduced to bring the project within budget. One of the scope reductions was the landscaping. Without funding for the landscaping, CDOT will be using rock, gravel and some native seed areas to cover the ROW. The full landscaping plan can be added back to the project with the addition of $1.5 million in City funding.
Financial Implications:
To add the landscaping portion of the Cimarron Project the City will need to fund $1.5 million from City funds.
Board/Commission Recommendation:
Stakeholder Process:
CDOT Stakeholder Process
Allow the Cimarron Interchange to be minimally landscaped by CDOT
Recommended Action
Proposed Motion:
Motion to approve the attached resolution.
Summary of Ordinance Language