Ordinance No. 18-88 amending the zoning map of the City of Colorado Springs pertaining to 7.23 acres located at the terminus of Glen Vista Drive from R5/cr (Multi-family Residential with conditions of record) and R/cr (Estate, Single-Family Residential with conditions of record) to PUD (Planned Unit Development: Single-Family Residential; maximum density of 0-1.99; and maximum building height of 28 feet).
Related Files: CPC MPA 04-00043-A4MN18, CPC PUD 18-00009
Michael McConnell, Planner II, Land Use Review
Applicant: Amanda & Michael Orsillo
Owners: Garden of the Gods Club LLC
Location: Terminus of Glen Vista Point, south of the intersection of North 30th Street and Garden of the Gods Boulevard.
This project includes concurrent applications for a master plan amendment, zone change and PUD development plan. The master plan amendment will allow a decrease in density from 3.5-7.99 dwelling units per acre to 0-1.99 dwelling units per acre. A 7.23 acre unplatted portion of a larger 16.35 acre parcel will be rezoned from R5/CR (Multifamily Residential with Conditions of Record) and R/CR (Estate Residential with Conditions of Record) to PUD (Planned Unit Development: Single Family Residential). In addition, a PUD development plan is proposed for the development of 12 single family homes and associated infrastructure including drainage, roadways and retaining walls.
Previous Council Action:
Previous Council actions included annexation and a zone change to R5/CR (Multifamily Residential with Conditions of Record).
On August 28, 2018, Council approved this ordinance on first reading on the Consent Calendar.
The property was annexed into the City as part of the Mesa Addition # 2 in 1971. The property has remained vacant since the annexation, though when the property was rezoned in 1997 to R5/CR (Ord 97-183) conditions of record were placed on the property restricting development to two condo buildings totaling 57 units.
The project site is located within the Hill Properties Master Plan and is identified as Residential with a density allowance of 3.5-7.99 dwelling units per acre. City Code Section 7.5.403.C.2 states that a minor master plan amendment “will have a minimal impact on the City’s transportation system, utility infrastructure and public facilities”. As the requested change will be a lessening of intensity from a 57 unit condo development to a 12 unit residential subdivision staff determined that the change was of minimal impact to the above mentioned public facilities and warranted the Minor Amendment. A Financial Impact Statement is not required with a minor amendment.
The master plan identifies a road location which will be private (Glen Vista Point) and be maintained by the Kissing Camels Property Owners Association. The remainder of the site will be left as open space.
The property is currently zoned R5/CR (Multifamily Residential with Conditions of Record) and R/CR (Estate Residential with Conditions of Record) as part of an effort to develop condos on site. Due to various topographical and geologic constraints this project was abandoned and the current proposal of 12 single family homes has been proposed. There will be an average lot size of .39 acres with the homes having a 28 foot maximum height. An extensive geologic hazard report and investigation has been performed and been given a positive recommendation from the Colorado Geologic Survey. At building permit review a site specific geologic report will be conducted and limited landscape irrigation will be allowed. Additional details on the required studies can be found in the City Planning Commission staff report under sub-section e. Geologic Hazards.
This project meets City goals of supporting infill development and preserving the natural environment by clustering the homes on the west side of the promontory and maintaining the eastern portion of the property as open space.
Financial Implications:
Board/Commission Recommendation:
At their meeting held July 19, 2018 the City Planning Commission approved the applications as part of their consent calendar.
Stakeholder Process:
The public notification process consisted of providing notice to adjacent property owners within 1,000 feet of the site, which included the mailing of postcards to 28 property owners on two occasions: once during the initial review of the project and a separate mailing was sent out prior to the City Planning Commission meeting. During these posting periods one comment has been received by staff.
Staff sent copies of the plans and supporting documents to the standard internal and external agencies for comments. All comments submitted by the reviewing agencies have been addressed. The agencies that commented initially are the City Landscape Architect, City Surveyor, Colorado Springs Utilities, Engineering Development Review, Colorado Springs Fire Department Traffic Engineering, Water Resources Engineering, Parks and Recreation, and Enumerations.
1. Uphold the action of the City Planning Commission;
2. Modify the decision of the City Planning Commission;
3. Reverse the action of the City Planning Commission; or
4. Refer the matter back to the City Planning Commission for further consideration
Recommended Action
Proposed Motion:
Adopt an ordinance changing the zone of 7.23 acres from R5/cr (Multifamily Residential with conditions of record) and R/cr (Estate, Single-Family Residential with conditions of record) to PUD (Planned Unit Development: Single-Family Residential) with a maximum height of 28 feet and a density of 0-1.99 dwelling units per acre, based on the findings that the zone change request complies with the three (3) review criteria for granting a zone change in City Code Section 7.5.603(B) and the review criteria in City Code Section 7.3.603.
Summary of Ordinance Language
An ordinance amending the zoning map of the City of Colorado Springs pertaining to 7.23 acres located at the terminus of Glen Vista Drive from R5/cr (Multi-family Residential with conditions of record) and R/cr (Estate, Single-Family Residential with conditions of record) to PUD (Planned Unit Development: Single-Family Residential; maximum density of 0-1.99; and maximum building height of 28 feet)