Ordinance No. 24-110 to amend the zoning map of the City of Colorado Springs pertaining to 10.181 acres located at 6855 Campus Drive from PDZ/SS-O (Planned Development Zone: Commercial, Industrial, and Residential Uses; maximum building height of 45-feet, 25-30 dwelling units per acre (Lot 6 only), and maximum building square footage of 677,257 square feet (Lots 1-6) with Streamside Overlay) to PDZ/AF-O (Planned Development Zone: Commercial Use; maximum building height of 65-feet, and maximum building square footage of 150,000 square feet (Lot 2) with United States Air Force Academy Overlay).
(Quasi-Judicial) (Second Reading and Public Hearing)
Related Files: PUDZ-24-0001, LUPL-24-0008
Located in Council District 1
Logan Hubble, Planner II, Planning Department
Kevin Walker, Director, Planning Department
Owner: Crest at Woodmen Retail LLC
Developer: Crest at Woodmen Retail LLC
Representative: N.E.S. Inc.
Location: 6855 Campus Drive, South of Woodmen Road and East of Campus Drive
This application is for a zone change to allow a portion of the building façade of future replatted Lot 2, Looart Subdivision Filing No. 9 to have a varied height ranging from 45-feet to a maximum of 65-feet. The accompanying Land Use Plan modification reflects to request change to height and the reconfirmation of Lot 1 and Lot 2, and elimination of Lot 3, Looart Subdivision Filing No. 8.
Please see the attached City Planning Commission Staff Report for a complete analysis of the proposed application(s).
Review Criteria:
The review criteria for a zoning map amendment as set forth in City Code Section 7.5.704.D (UDC) are noted below.
1. The proposed rezoning is consistent with the goals and policies of the Colorado Springs Comprehensive Plan, with other plans and policies adopted by the City Council; and with the purpose statement of the proposed zone district(s).
2. The rezoning will not be detrimental to the public interest, health, safety, convenience, or general welfare.
3. The location of the lands in the zoning map area being amended are appropriate for the purposes of the proposed zone district(s).
4. If the application proposes to rezone a small area of land, the application demonstrates that the size, scale, height density, and multimodal traffic impacts of the proposed rezoning are compatible with surrounding development or can be made compatible with surrounding development through approval conditions.
5. If the application proposes to rezone a relatively small area of land, the application demonstrates that the change in zoning will not create significant dislocations of tenants or occupants of the property, or that any impacts are outweighed by other public benefits or progress toward other Colorado Springs Comprehensive Plan goals that would be achieved by approval of the application.
6. If a Land Use Plan or amendment to a Land Use Plan accompanies the application, the Land Use Plan or amendment complies with the applicable criteria in in Subsection 7.5.514C.3 (Land Use Plan Criteria).
7. The application is consistent with any approved Concept Plans in the area for which the map is being amended or includes or is accompanied by a provision that approved Concept Plans that have been classified as implemented do not have to be amended in order to be considered consistent with an amended zoning map.
8. If the application is for creation of an ADS-O district, the approval criteria applicable to the creation of the text of the ADS-O district in Section 7.2.607D.47.5.702 (Decision) shall also apply to consideration of the zoning map amendment required to create or amend the boundaries of the ADS-O district.
9. If rezoning to a PDZ district, the proposed PDZ district provides significant community amenities or other benefits, as determined by the Manager, that promote the achievement of Colorado Springs Comprehensive Plan goals and would not otherwise be required of the applicant under this UDC or other City or governmental regulations.
10. Complies with the additional standards of the base zone district where the property is located (see Article 7.2 (Zone Districts)) or in an overlay district that applies to the property (see Part 7.2.6 (Overlay Districts)).
The review criteria for a land use plan major modification as set forth in City Code Section 7.5.524.C.3 (UDC) are noted below.
a. Complies with the provisions of this UDC and all applicable City regulations;
b. Is consistent with any conditions in the approval or permit proposed to be modified, unless the decision-making body that imposed that condition modifies that condition
c. Does not create more adverse impacts on surrounding properties than the development approval or permit proposed to be modified; and
d. Is consistent with the Colorado Springs Comprehensive Plan, other plans adopted by City Council, and the intent of the zone district in which the property is located.
Staff finds that the proposed applications meet the review criteria.
Previous Council Action:
Financial Implications:
City Council Appointed Board/Commission/Committee Recommendation:
City Planning Commission voted 6-3 to approve the zone change at the November 13, 2024, meeting. (Rickett, Gigiano, and Slattery voted against)
Recommended Action
Proposed Motions:
Adopt ordinance No. 24-110 amending the zoning map of the City of Colorado Springs relating to 10.181 acres located at 6855 Campus Drive from PDZ/SS-O (Planned Development Zone: Commercial, Industrial, and Residential Uses; maximum building height of 45-feet, 25-30 dwelling units per acre (Lot 6 only), and maximum building square footage of 677,257 square feet (Lots 1-6) with Streamside Overlay) to PDZ/AF-O (Planned Development Zone: Commercial Use; maximum building height of 65-feet, and maximum building square footage of 150,000 square feet (Lot 2) with United States Air Force Academy Overlay) zone district based upon the findings that the request complies with the criteria for a Zoning Map amendment as set forth in City Code Section 7.5.704.
Summary of Ordinance Language
An ordinance amending the zoning map of the City of Colorado Springs relating to 10.181 acres located at 6855 Campus Drive from PDZ/SS-O (Planned Development Zone: Commercial, Industrial, and Residential uses; maximum building height of 45-feet, 25-30 dwelling units per acre (Lot 6 only), and maximum building square footage of 677,257 square feet (Lots 1-6) with Streamside Overlay) to PDZ/AF-O (Planned Development Zone: Commercial Use; maximum building height of 65-feet, and maximum building square footage of 150,000 square feet (Lot 2) with United States Air Force Academy Overlay).