| 1 | 2.A. | | Minutes | Minutes for the June 14, 2018 Planning Commission Special Meeting
Rhonda McDonald, Chair, Planning Commission | | |
Not available
| 1 | 2.B. | | Minutes | Minutes for the June 21, 2018 Planning Commission Special Meeting
Rhonda McDonald, Chair, Planning Commission | | |
Not available
| 1 | 2.C. | | Minutes | Minutes for the July 19, 2018 Planning Commission Meeting
Rhonda McDonald, Chair, Planning Commission | | |
Not available
Not available
| 1 | 2.D. | | Minutes | Minutes for the August 16, 2018 Planning Commission
Rhonda McDonald, Chair Planning Commission | | |
Not available
CPC ZC 18-00093
| 1 | 4.I. | | Ordinance | Ordinance No. 18-108 amending the zoning map of the City of Colorado Springs pertaining to 0.75-acre located at 1565 and 1581 York Road from OC (Office Complex) to C-6/CR (General Business with conditions of record)
Chris Staley, Planner II, Planning and Community Development
Peter Wysocki, Planning Director | | |
Not available
CPC DP 18-00094
| 1 | 4.J. | | Planning Case | A development plan depicting the existing building, parking and overall property configuration for the properties addressed as 1565 and 1581 York Road.
Related File: CPC ZC 18-00093
Chris Staley, Planner II, Planning and Community Development
Peter Wysocki, Planning Director | | |
Not available
CPC MP 04-00254-A7MJ18
| 1 | 4.A. | Campus at Foothills Farm | Planning Case | A major master plan amendment to the Farm Master Plan that modifies a note pertaining to the maximum square footage limitation for commercial and employment uses located northwest of the New Life Drive and Federal Drive intersection.
Related Files: CPC PUZ 18-00070, CPC PUP 18-00071
Peter Wysocki, Director Planning and Community Development
Daniel Sexton, Senior Planner, Planning and Community Development | | |
Not available
CPC PUZ 18-00070
| 1 | 4.B. | | Ordinance | Ordinance No. 18-106 amending the zoning map of the City of Colorado Springs pertaining to 28.58 acres of land from PUD/A (Planned Unit Development and Agricultural) to PUD (Planned Unit Development; commercial and residential, 20 dwelling units per acre, maximum height of 45-feet in Parcel A and 70-feet in Parcel B for office and commercial uses), located northwest of the New Life Drive and Federal Drive intersection.
Peter Wysocki, Director Planning and Community Development
Daniel Sexton, Senior Planner, Planning and Community Development | | |
Not available
CPC PUP 18-00071
| 1 | 4.C. | | Planning Case | The Campus at Foothills Farm PUD Concept Plan for 28.58 acres of land to be developed with a commercial and residential development, located northwest of the New Life Drive and Federal Drive intersection.
Related Files: CPC MP 04-00254-A7MJ18, CPC PUZ 18-00070
Peter Wysocki, Director Planning and Community Development
Daniel Sexton, Senior Planner, Planning and Community Development | | |
Not available
CPC MP 07-00061-A6MJ17
| 1 | 4.D. | Larry Ochs | Planning Case | Major amendment to the Briargate Master Plan changing the land use designation of 57.82 acres from Sports Complex (SC) to R-LM (Residential Low/Med; 3.5-7.99 dwelling units per acre), R-M (Residential Medium; 8-11.99 dwelling units per acre) and NP (Park) as part of City Resolution 13-17 authorizing a land exchange located near Powers Boulevard and Old Ranch Road.
Catherine Carleo, Principal Planner, Planning and Community Development | | |
Not available
CPC PUZ 17-00087
| 1 | 4.E. | Larry Ochs | Ordinance | The Larry Ochs rezoning of 57.82 acres located near Powers Boulevard and Old Ranch Road changing the zoning from Park (PK) to PUD (Planned Unit Development; Residential, 3.5-11.99 dwelling units per acre, maximum height 45-feet and Park).
Catherine Carleo, Principal Planner, Planning and Community Development | | |
Not available
CPC PUP 17-00089
| 1 | 4.F. | Larry Ochs | Planning Case | Larry Ochs Concept Plan illustrating future development of 57.82 acres for residential (3.5-11.99 dwelling units per acre) and a park site located near Powers Boulevard and Old Ranch Road.
Catherine Carleo, Principal Planner, Planning and Community Development | | |
Not available
CPC PUZ 18-00068
| 1 | 4.G. | | Ordinance | Ordinance No. 18-107 amending the Zoning Map of the City of Colorado Springs relating to 7.8 acres located south and west of the intersection at Red Cavern Road and Crisp Air Drive, establishing the PUD (Planned Unit Development - attached single-family residential (townhomes); 9.00 dwelling units per acre maximum; 30-foot maximum building height) zone district..
Matthew Bingman, DRE Permit Center Administrator, Planning & Community Development
Peter Wysocki, Director of Planning and Community Development | | |
Not available
CPC PUD 18-00069
| 1 | 4.H. | | Planning Case | North Fork Townhomes PUD Development Plan which proposes construction of 70 townhome units on 7.8 acres located west of the intersection at Red Cavern Road and Crisp Air Drive.
Related File: CPC PUZ 18-00068
Matthew Bingman, DRE Permit Center Administrator, Planning & Community Development
Peter Wysocki, Director of Planning and Community Development | | |
Not available
CPC PUZ 18-00066
| 1 | 4.K. | | Ordinance | Ordinance No. 18-111 amending the zoning map of the City of Colorado Springs pertaining 2.33 acres located northwest of Centennial Boulevard and Mule Deer Drive from PUD/HS (Planned Unit Development with Hillside Overlay: commercial) to PUD/HS (Planned Unit Development: multi-family residential, 17.17 dwelling units per acre with a maximum building height of 37 feet - 2 inches, with Hillside Overlay).
Related file: CPC PUD 06-00067-A3MJ18
Mike Schultz, Principal Planner, Planning and Community Development
Peter Wysocki, Director Planning and Community Development | | |
Not available
CPC PUD 06-00067-A3MJ18
| 1 | 4.L. | | Planning Case | The Tuscan Foothills Village Filing Number 2 Development Plan illustrating four 10-unit multi-family buildings on 2.33 acres located northwest of Centennial Boulevard and Mule Deer Drive.
Related File: CPC PUZ 18-00066
Mike Schultz, Principal Planner, Planning and Community Development
Peter Wysocki, Director Planning and Community Development | | |
Not available
CPC CU 17-00045
| 1 | 6.A. | | Planning Case | A Conditional Use to allow a large daycare home for seven (7) to twelve (12) children at 9 Upland Road.
Rachel Teixeira, Planner II, Planning and Community Development | | |
Not available