| 1 | 2.A. | | Minutes | Minutes for the June 14, 2018 Planning Commission Special Meeting
Rhonda McDonald, Chair, Planning Commission | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 2.B. | | Minutes | Minutes for the June 21, 2018 Planning Commission Special Meeting
Rhonda McDonald, Chair, Planning Commission | | |
Action details
Not available
CPC ZC 18-00074
| 1 | 4.A. | Banning Lewis Ranch Village 3 | Ordinance | Ordinance No.18-97 changing the zoning of 5.54 acres from PUD/AO (Planned Unit Development: Single-Family Residential, 40 foot maximum building height, and a cumulative density of 7.99 dwelling unit per acre with an Airport Overlay) to PK/AO (Park with an Airport Overlay) located south of Dublin Boulevard and west of Banning Lewis Ranch Parkway within the Village 3 development.
Hannah Van Nimwegen, Senior Planner, Planning and Community Development
Peter Wysocki, Director of Planning and Community Development | referred | Pass |
Action details
CPC CM1 18-00081
| 1 | 4.B. | | Planning Case | A Conditional Use for a Commercial Mobile Radio Service (CMRS) installation of a freestanding 60-foot tall clock tower for a concealed mobile telecommunications facility with associated supporting ground equipment located at 3771 Bloomington Street.
Rachel Teixeira, Planner II, Planning and Community Development | approved | Pass |
Action details
CPC CA 18-00063
| 1 | 5.A. | | Ordinance | Ordinance No. 18-112 amending Chapter 7 (Planning, Development and Building) of City Code defining and establishing standards for short term rental units
Meggan Herington, Assistant Planning Director
Peter Wysocki, Director of Planning and Community Development | referred | Fail |
Action details
CPC AP 18-00090
| 1 | 6.A. | | Planning Case | An appeal of a Notice and Order to Abate for zoning code violation of conversion of vacant land to use as equipment storage located at 0 Dublin Boulevard
Tom Wasinger, Code Enforcement Supervisor, Planning and Development | approved | Pass |
Action details