DRB 2297
| 1 | 4.A. | | Minutes | Minutes for the February 4, 2025, Downtown Review Board Meeting
David Lord, Downtown Review Board Chair | | |
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Not available
| 1 | 8.A. | 524 S. Cascade Subdivision | Planning Case | A Form-Based Zone Development Plan together with Building Envelope and Frontage Warrants for 524 S. Cascade on a 0.88 acre, FBZ-CEN (Form-Based Zone - Central Sector) zoned property located on the northwest corner of S. Cascade Ave. and W. Moreno Ave. (Quasi-Judicial)
Ryan Tefertiller, Planning Manager, Urban Planning Division | | |
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Not available
| 1 | 8.B. | Weber St Redevelopment | Planning Case | A Warrant and Minor Improvement Plan to allow the redevelopment of two (2) commercial buildings for commercial and office uses, building façade improvements, streetscape improvements and a reduction of required off-street parking spaces in the FBZ-T2 (Form-Based Zone Transition Sector 2) consisting of 15,246 square feet (.35 acres) located at 525 and 531 South Weber Street. (Quasi-Judicial)
William Gray, Senior Planner, City Planning - Urban Division | | |
Not available
Not available