Ordinance No. 25-18 Amending Section 203 (Application For License; Fees; Term; Bond and Insurance Requirements; Suspension or Revocation) of Part 2 (Excavations) of Article 3 (Streets and Public Ways) of Chapter 3 (Public Property and Public Works) of the Code of the City of Colorado Springs 2001, as Amended, Pertaining to Excavator Stop Work Orders.
Gayle Sturdivant, PE, PMP, City Engineer/Deputy Public Works Director
Tyra Sandy, PE, Engineering Program Manager/Assistant City Engineer
The ordinance amends Section 3.3.203 of the City Code to permit the issuance of stop work orders to contractors for personal or private property damages, working without a permit, and non-compliance with permit requirements.
The City is currently facing numerous instances of contractors, especially fiber companies, installing infrastructure within public rights-of-way (ROW) and, at times, utilizing Public Utility Easements (PUE) on private property (such as lot line easements). This practice has raised significant safety concerns and led to complaints from residents when work is performed on their property within the PUE. To address these issues, Public Works is collaborating with the City Attorney's Office, with support from outside counsel, to appropriately permit work within these PUEs.
Historically, City staff have issued stop work orders to contractors conducting work within the ROW without a permit or performing non-compliant work. However, it was recently discovered that the City Code does not sufficiently empower City staff to issue these stop work orders (SWO). The proposed ordinance aims to provide this essential tool to enhance permitting and oversight of work within the ROW and PUE.
Previous Council Action:
Financial Implications:
City Council Appointed Board/Commission/Committee Recommendation:
Stakeholder Process:
Disapproval of the ordinance will allow contra...
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