Ordinance No. 25-02 creating a new Section 108 (Carrying of a Firearm In Government Buildings) of Part 1 (Dangerous and Deadly Weapons) of Article 7 (Dangerous Weapons and Substances) of Chapter 9 (Public Offenses) of the Code Of The City Of Colorado Springs 2001, as amended, Pertaining To Carrying Firearms
Benjamin Bolinger, Legislative Counsel, Office of the City Attorney
The proposed ordinance maintains the City's existing rules, regulations, and ordinances pertaining to carrying firearms in City government buildings. Currently, Colorado Revised Statutes ? 18-12-105.3 creates ambiguity regarding the legality of carrying concealed firearms in certain City facilities.
City Code ? 3.2.302 authorizes facility managers to develop security plans and promulgate rules and regulations necessary for the health, safety, security and welfare of the public, City employees and the conduct of City business within the public areas of the facility, which includes the authority to prohibit firearms. Certain City facilities, such as City Hall, prohibit firearms and use magnetometers (metal detectors) to screen entrants. Other facilities may allow for the concealed carry of firearms with a valid written permit to carry a concealed weapon issued pursuant to Colorado law.
This year, the State legislature passed SB24-131, effective July 1, 2024, which prohibits a person from knowingly carrying a firearm, both openly and concealed, in the building of a local government's governing body, including buildings at which the offices of elected members or the chief executive officer of a local government are located (local government buildings) and their adjacent parking areas.
Previous Council Action:
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City Council Appointed Board/Commission/Committee Recommendation:
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Proposed Motion:
Approve Ordinance No. 25-02 ...
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