Ordinance No. 24-108 amending sections of Part 2 (allowed use and tables) and Part 3 (Use-Specific standards) of Article 3 (Use and Regulations) and Section 1003 (parking space requirement by use) of Part 10 (Parking and Loading) of Article 4 (Development Standards and Incentives) and Part 3 (Definitions) of Article 6 (Definitions and rules of construction) of Chapter 7 (Unified Development Code) of the Code of the City of Colorado Springs 2001, as amended, pertaining to Natural Medicine.
Kevin Walker, Planning Director
The voters of Colorado approved Proposition 122 in 2023 that allows certain land uses in the state related to psilocybin use. As is allowed by the initiative and statute, the cultivation, manufacture, testing and healing centers are required to be allowed in the state; this ordinance will identify the zones and requirements for those land uses. The proposed ordinance will adopt regulations that allow the uses in City limits by additions to the Unified Development Code. Among other requirements, the "healing centers" shall be located at least one (1) mile from any Elementary or Secondary School, Residential Childcare Facility, Drug or Alcohol Treatment Facility, or any other Natural Medicine Healing Center. Other related uses will be required to be located 1,000' from these same facilities.
This proposal is similar to the recently adopted ordinance that defines location for recreational marijuana. The City is required to allow these uses by statute but is allowed to restrict the time, place and use through the zoning and land use regulatory functions.
Previous Council Action:
Financial Implications:
City Council Appointed Board/Commission/Committee Recommendation:
City Planning Commission heard this ordinance on November 13, 2024. Their vote was unanimous for approval with the change in the Healing Center distance from 1 mile to 1,000 feet.
Stakeholder Process: ...
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