A Subdivision Waiver to the procedural requirements of a replat set forth in City Code section 7.7.305 to allow only a portion of the boundaries of the original platting configuration to be replatted at 919 N El Paso St. 919 N El Paso St is 5,900 square feet in the SU (Special Use) zone district.
Related Files: SUBD-23-0029, NVAR-23-0012
Ann Odom, Planner II, Urban Planning Division
Recommended Action
Proposed Motion:
Approve the 919 N El Paso St Subdivision Waiver based upon the findings that the review criteria for granting a subdivision waiver as set forth in City Code Section 7.7.1302.A have been met. This recommendation includes the following technical modifications:
Technical Modification:
1. Update the site plan to include the lot coverage calculation and the location and extent of all encroachments on the property.
2. Update the elevations to show utility meters and meet height requirements for accessory structures.