The Tuscan Foothills Village Filing Number 2 Development Plan illustrating four 10-unit multi-family buildings on 2.33 acres located northwest of Centennial Boulevard and Mule Deer Drive.
Related File: CPC PUZ 18-00066
Mike Schultz, Principal Planner, Planning and Community Development
Peter Wysocki, Director Planning and Community Development
Applicant: TFV1 LLC
Owner: Michael Hausman Revocable Trust
Location: Northwest of Centennial Boulevard and Mule Deer Drive
Previous Council Action:
City Council previously approved a rezoning of the property from PIP-1/HS (Planned Industrial Park with Hillside Overlay) to PUD/HS (Planned Unit Development with Hillside Overlay) that permitted a mixed use of single-family attached and detached units, commercial and maximum building heights of 35 feet and 45 feet; maximum density of 2.88 dwelling units per acre.
The subject property was part of the original Tuscan Foothills Village Planned Unit Development (PUD) approved in 2008 (and reapproved as a minor amendment in 2012) (see CPC report for details); the plans called for approximately 30,000 square feet of neighborhood commercial, office and recreation use (approximately 21,000 square feet on the subject property). Because the PUD did not take into consideration this building type (multi-family residential) and additional dwelling units (40 units), the applicant was required to seek a change of zone from the PUD-commercial use to a new PUD for multi-family residential.
The property immediately to the south of the site (southwest corner of Centennial Boulevard and Mule Deer Drive) was part of the same Tuscan Foothills Village Development Plan; that portion of the development did meet the original building types (two-family residential) and density allowance (a maximum 135 units, a recent administrative approval of a development plan amendment allowed 50 dwelling units, which the site is cur...
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