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File #: 18-0439    Version: Name:
Type: Ordinance Status: Mayor's Office
File created: 8/22/2018 In control: City Council
On agenda: 10/23/2018 Final action: 10/23/2018
Title: Ordinance No. 18-100 amending Ordinance No. 17-116 (2018 Appropriation Ordinance) for a supplemental appropriation to the Grants Fund in the amount of $23,032,764 for the Federal Transit Administration's Section 5307 Grant. Presenter: Jennifer Vance, Grants Manager, Finance
Attachments: 1. Ordinance for 2018 Grants Fund Supplemental_rev8.27.pdf, 2. Signed Ordinance 18-100




Ordinance No. 18-100 amending Ordinance No. 17-116 (2018 Appropriation Ordinance) for a supplemental appropriation to the Grants Fund in the amount of $23,032,764 for the Federal Transit Administration’s Section 5307 Grant.



Jennifer Vance, Grants Manager, Finance




The attached Ordinance is a supplemental appropriation to the Grants Fund for the Federal Transit Administration’s Section 5307 grant in the amount of $23,032,764. The requested appropriation adds to the existing appropriation approved in the 2018 Budget. This additional appropriation will provide the spending authority for the full amount of the approved grant agreement from the Federal Transit Administration (FTA), and associated local match, which is equal to $23,032,764, as detailed below. The 5307 grant will reimburse capital activities, including bus replacement, bus expansion, environmental analyses, security and surveillance equipment, signage, planning studies, facility and vehicle preventative maintenance, and ADA improvements, as well as operating assistance.


  Previous Council Action: 

On December 12, 2017, City Council approved the 2018 Budget per Ordinance No. 17-116, which included the appropriation for the Grants Fund.



Each year, Mountain Metropolitan Transit receives apportionment for the formula grant program, Section 5307 - Urbanized Area Formula Program for transit operating and capital activities. Due to the timing of the approval of the grant application, the FTA combined three apportionment years (FY13, FY14, and FY15) together into one award of $23,032,764 for use to reimburse eligible expenses beginning on August 1, 2014 through March 31, 2019.

  Financial Implications:

The grant, providing total Federal funds in the amount of $17,374,107, requires a local match of $5,658,657. The local match requirement will be met as follows:

2017 General Fund-previously appropriated: $583,002
2018 General Fund-previously appropriated: $1,138,720
PPRTA Local Match: $3,936,935

No additional General Funds will be requested.


  Board/Commission Recommendation:



  Stakeholder Process:






Recommended Action

  Proposed Motion:

Move to approve the attached ordinance amending Ordinance No. 17-116 (2018 Appropriation Ordinance) for a supplemental appropriation to the Grants Fund in the amount of $23,032,764 for the Federal Transit Administration’s Section 5307 Grant.


Summary of Ordinance Language

An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 17-116 (2018 Appropriation Ordinance) for a supplemental appropriation to the Grants Fund in the amount of $23,032,764 for the Federal Transit Administration’s Section 5307 Grant.


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