An ordinance amending Part 9 (Boards and Commissions) of Article 2 (Officers of the City) of Chapter 1 (Administration, Personnel and Finance) of the Code of the City of Colorado Springs, pertaining to boards and commissions
Marc Smith, Corporate Division Chief, Office of the City Attorney
As part of the ongoing effort to review and "scrub" City Code for updates and improvements, City Council staff collaborated with members of City Council, staff liaisons for City Boards & Commissions, and the City Attorney's Office to update City Code relating to its boards and commissions. Recommendations include changes relating to term limits, residency requirements, alternates, and annual reports, and other language to clarify and update the section.
Previous Council Action:
In February 2011, City Council adopted Ordinance 11-18, which updated Chapter 1 of City Code to implement the Council-Mayor form of government in the City of Colorado Springs.
Term Limits: The proposed ordinance limits boards and commissions volunteers to two consecutive terms, unless otherwise specified in the boards' enabling ordinance or other approved documents, and clarifies that a person who is appointed to a vacancy that is more than half the length of a term will be eligible to serve only one additional term.
Residency: The proposed ordinance codifies the requirement that boards & commissions appointees must reside within the City's limits, with limited exceptions as specified in a board's enabling ordinance. Two examples of boards and commissions that would require a further ordinance revision to limit membership to City residents are the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board (see City Code section 4.1.103(A)) and the City Planning Commission (see City Code section 7.6.101).
Alternates: The proposed ordinance modifies current code to allow alternates to participate in discussions of the board, committee or commission on matters t...
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