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File #: CPC ZC 18-00022    Version: Name:
Type: Planning Case Status: Mayor's Office
File created: 3/30/2018 In control: City Council
On agenda: 6/12/2018 Final action: 6/12/2018
Title: An ordinance amending the zoning map of the City of Colorado Springs pertaining to 1.3 acres of land from (A) Agricultural to (OC) Office Complex. (QUASI-JUDICIAL) Presenter: Peter Wysocki, Director Planning and Community Development Daniel Sexton, Senior Planner, Planning and Community Development
Indexes: Flying Horse
Attachments: 1. ZC_ORD_ClassicOffices@FH, 2. Exhibit A - Legal Decription, 3. Exhibit B - Zone Change Exhibit, 4. Vicinity Map, 5. Public Comments, 6. Classic Offices @ FH_Staff-Presentation, 7. Classic Offices @ FH_Staff-Presentation (1), 8. CPC Report_Classic Offices @ Flying Horse_DJS, 9. Figure 1 - Concept Plan MN, 10. Figure 2 - Zone Change Exhibit, 11. Figure 3 - Project Statement, 12. Figure 4 - Original Concept Plan, 13. 7.5.603 Findings - ZC req_CA, 14. ZoningMap-ClassicOCFlyingHorse-2018-05-15, 15. Signed Ordinance 18-55
Related files: CPC CP 12-00048-A1MN18




An ordinance amending the zoning map of the City of Colorado Springs pertaining to 1.3 acres of land from (A) Agricultural to (OC) Office Complex.




Peter Wysocki, Director Planning and Community Development
Daniel Sexton, Senior Planner, Planning and Community Development



Applicant: YOW Architects PC
Owner: Flying Horse Club, LLC
Location: North of Flying Horse Club Drive near the future alignment of Powers Boulevard

The project includes concurrent applications for a change of zone request from (A) Agricultural to (OC) Office Complex and a minor concept plan amendment. The amended concept plan illustrates a new layout for the office complex development that incorporates a parcel of land previously envisioned for a Powers Boulevard off-ramp property.


  Previous Council Action: 

At the City Council hearing on May 22, 2018, the change of zone and minor concept plan amendment applications were pulled from the consent calendar and discussed under the items pulled off consent calendar. Councilor Murray pulled the items to discuss the proposed removal of land that had been conceptually envisioned for an interchange as part of the future extension of Powers Boulevard. Based on the current plan for the extension of Powers Boulevard, Councilor Murray wanted to ensure the City wasn’t giving away land unnecessarily and creating a situation similar that of Powers Boulevard south of Woodmen Road. City staff explained that this future extension of Powers Boulevard is presently envisioned as a limited access expressway with interchanges at Highway 83 and Voyager Parkway, and that the development of an interchange at Flying Horse Club Drive would have been at the expense of the developer, per the Flying Horse Ranch Addition Annexation agreement. The Developer does not intend to connect internal roads within the Flying Horse development to Powers Blvd. extension. The City Council ultimately voted 7-2 in favor of the item, with Councilors Murray and Strand voting in opposition.


In August 2012, the Council approved the initial zone change and concept plan applications associated with Parcel 18.




The property was annexed into the City on October 23, 2003 per the Flying Horse Ranch Addition Annexation Plat (Ord. 03-181).The site has remained vacant since annexation, but has been over-lot graded with gradual sloping topography to the east of the project site.

The applicant’s rezone proposal changes 1.3 acres of land from A (Agricultural) to OC (Office Complex). The current A zone district was established in 2003 (Ord. No. 03-182) in preparation for the future development of the Flying Horse Ranch project. The applicant’s proposed OC zone district changes the zoning of the parcel of land in preparation for the commercial development discussed under the amended concept plan application. The proposed zoning is consistent with the OC zone district approved by City Council in 2012 (Ord. No. 12-55) for the parcels to the west and sets the stage for the future development of the Classic Offices at Flying Horse project.

The amended Flying Horse Parcel Number 18 concept plan, which encompassed the Classic Offices at Flying Horse project, establishes a new layout for the envisioned office complex development that incorporates a parcel of land previously intended for a Powers Boulevard off-ramp, larger building, and reconfigures parking areas and phasing. Overall, the illustrated vision for the commercial development still aligns with the scope of the concept plan previously approved by City Council. The proposed incorporation of the parcel of land slated for an off-ramp into the developable site is the most significant deviation from the original concept plan. The City’s Traffic Engineering Division and CDOT reviewed and approved the proposed changes. Both agencies will evaluate more thoroughly the site design and layout of the commercial site under subsequent applications to ensure the final design does not lead to additional development costs for Powers Boulevard when it is ultimately constructed.

The attached City Planning Commission staff report summarizes the project details.

The project supports the City’s Strategic plan of building community and collaborative relationships by providing a well-designed commercial development that respects the adjacent residential uses. The project also promotes a mutually supportive development pattern in the neighborhood through the development of the envisioned commercial land uses. This project will support the future creation of employment opportunities and maintain prospects for strengthening the Colorado Springs economy through the orderly development of the area.


  Financial Implications:



  Board/Commission Recommendation:

At the Planning Commission meeting held on April 19, 2018, this item was pulled from the consent calendar by a member of the Planning Commission and discussed under the new business calendar. The Planning Commission discussed the removal of land set aside for Powers Boulevard, which was conceptually envisioned for an interchange of Flying Horse Club Drive and the future extension of Powers Boulevard, and the future vision of Powers Boulevard. No members of the public spoke in favor or against the applications. The Planning Commission ultimately voted unanimously in favor of the applications.

Please reference the minutes from the hearing for a detailed record.


  Stakeholder Process:

The public process included postcard mailed to 381 property owners within 1,000 feet of the site on three occasions: once during the internal review stage and prior to the Planning Commission and City Council hearings. The site was also posted on those three occasions. No comments were received during the public notice period. Leading up to the hearing on May 22, 2018, staff received additional comments from three residents speaking in opposition to the project applications, which are attached for reference.

Staff sent copies of the plan set and supporting documentation to the standard internal and external review agencies for comments. Commenting agencies included Black Forest Land Use/Transportation Committee, Colorado Springs Utilities, City Engineering, City Traffic, City Fire Prevention, CONO, USAFA, Enumerations, School District #20, Police and E-911, and Flying Horse Metropolitan District #3. All comments received from the review agencies have been addressed.

Please see the Planning Commission staff report for more details.



1.                     Uphold the action of the City Planning Commission;
                     Modify the decision of the City Planning Commission;
                     Reverse the action of the City Planning Commission; or
                     Refer the matter back to the City Planning Commission for further consideration


Recommended Action

  Proposed Motion:

Adopt an ordinance amending the zoning map of the City of Colorado Springs pertaining to 1.3 acres from A (Agricultural) to OC (Office Complex), based upon the findings that the change of zone request complies with the three (3) review criteria for granting a zone change as set forth in City Code Section 7.5.603(B).

Summary of Ordinance Language

An ordinance amending the zoning map of the City of Colorado Springs pertaining to 1.3 acres from A (Agricultural) to OC (Office Complex).

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