Ordinance No. 24-39 amending the zoning map of the City of Colorado Springs pertaining to 8.09 acres located at the northwest corner of Austin Bluffs Parkway and Goldenrod Drive from MX-N/SS-O (Mixed-Use Neighborhood Scale with Streamside Overlay), R-4/MX-N (Multi-Family Low and Mixed-Use Neighborhood Scale), R-1 6 (Single-Family-Medium) to PF/SS-O (Public Facilities with Streamside Overlay)
(Quasi-Judicial) (Second Reading and Public Hearing)
Tamara Baxter, Planning Supervisor, Planning and Neighborhood Services.
Kevin Walker, Interim Director, Planning and Neighborhood Services
Owner: City of Colorado Springs
Developer: Colorado Springs Utilities
Representative: Kimley Horn
Location: Northwest of Austin Bluffs Parkway and Goldenrod Drive
A zoning map amendment (rezoning) request to change the zone of seven parcels to PF/SS-O (Public Facilities with Streamside Overlay) to set the framework for a future Colorado Springs Utilities substation. This new substation location intends to assist in the decommissioning of three aging existing substations and provide a newer and more reliable electrical infrastructure to the community.
Please see the attached City Planning Commission Staff Report for a complete analysis of the proposed application(s).
Review Criteria:
The review criteria for a Land Use Plan waiver set forth in UDC Code Section 7.5.601.C.2 are noted below.
a. The application complies with any use-specific standards for the use in Part 7.3.3 (Use-Specific Standards),
b. The size, scale, height, density, multimodal traffic impacts, and other impacts of the use are compatible with existing and planned uses in the surrounding area, and any potential adverse impacts are mitigated to the extent feasible; and
c. The City's existing infrastructure and public improvements, including but not limited to its
street, trail, and sidewalk systems, have adequate capacity to serve the proposed
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