Title: Decision Regarding Ethics Complaint 2018-01
From: Wynetta Massey, City Attorney
Summary: Pursuant to City Code § 1.3.106(C)(4), after receipt of the Independent Ethics Commission’s (“IEC”) recommendation to City Council containing its investigative findings, City Council makes a decision regarding how to proceed with the ethics complaint.
Previous Council Action: City Council met in closed executive session on September 10 and September 23, 2018 to consider the recommendation of the IEC.
Background: The IEC investigated Ethics Complaint 2018-01 pursuant to the procedures set forth in the City Code of Ethics and the IEC’s Rules of Procedure.
Financial Implications:
Board/Commission Recommendation:
The IEC has provided its confidential written recommendation to City Council.
Stakeholder Process:
City Council could delay its decision regarding Ethics Complaint 2018-01.
Proposed Motion:
The proposed motion will depend upon the decision City Council has reached regarding Ethics Complaint 2018-01.