A Resolution of the City of Colorado Springs approving an Amended and Restated Service Plan for the Vistas at West Mesa Metropolitan District serving an area northeast of the intersection of Fillmore Road and Centennial Boulevard.
Carl Schueler, Planning Manager- Comprehensive Planning, Planning & Development Department
Peter Wysocki, Planning and Community Development Director
This amended and restated service plan would replace the existing approved service plan for the Vistas at West Mesa Metropolitan District ("District") which was originally created in 2021 to serve this small 105-unit townhome project. The amended plan conforms with Council's recently adopted changes to the Special District Policy and model service plan. The amended service plan would specifically allow for potentially higher debt service and operational mill levies for this residential district, and for the "pre-authorization" of future debt issuances, without the need to come back to Council for separate approval.
As of this date, there are no resident property owners in this District. However, because there are some outstanding contracts for purchase, as specific disclosure requirement is being recommended as part of the draft City Council resolution.
This item was discussed by the City Council Budget Committee on December 13, 2022, and then introduced to Council on January 9 2023 (see discussion below).
This property is located in City Council District No. 1.
Although Council action on the balance of this amended and restated service plan only requires a simple majority vote, incorporation of the requested "pre-authorization" of future debt would require a minimum of six (6) affirmative votes.
This metropolitan district was organized in late 2021 following Council's approval of the original service plan in September of that year.
District encompasses about 6.61 acres.
In March of 2022 Council authorized this District to...
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