Ordinance No. 16-69 Amending the Zoning Map of the City of Colorado Springs Relating to 1.26 Acres Located at the Southeast Corner of Vincent Drive and Dublin Boulevard Establishing the A Zone District.
Related File: CPC A 16-00020
Meggan Herington, AICP, Planning Manager
Peter Wysocki, Planning and Development Director, Planning and Community Development Department
Owner: 6473 Vincent Drive, LLC
Location: Southeast corner of Vincent Drive and Dublin Boulevard
This is a request for adoption of an annexation ordinance and establishment of the A (Agricultural) holding zone for the 1.26 acre property known as Mohl Hollow. The annexation area is located at the southeast corner of Vincent Drive and Dublin Boulevard. See the attached map titled Enclave Map for specific location.
Previous Council Action:
Per the Colorado Municipal Annexation Act of 1965, the City can unilaterally annex properties that are within a City enclave. This means that the City can request annexation via adoption of an annexation ordinance by Council.
An enclave that has been in existence for three or more years may be annexed by ordinance, provided that the contiguity is not based on being adjacent to a public right-of-way unless the property on the other side of the right-of-way is also within the municipal boundaries. This can be done with or without owner permission. Also, if the enclave population exceeds 100 persons and contains more than 50 acres, there must be an annexation transition committee. (See attached enclave map)
In this instance, the 1.26 acres is the only piece of property that forms this enclave and has existed for more than three years. In addition, this property was greatly impacted by the Dublin and Vincent road project. That project widened and reconfigured Dublin Road adjacent to the property. The owner worked with the City to dedicate needed right of way. As part of that project, ...
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