A development plan for Your Storage at Briargate indoor self-storage facility located southwest of Grand Cordera Parkway and Prominent Point.
Related File: CPC ZC 18-00139
Catherine Carleo, Principal Planner, Planning and Development
Peter Wysocki, Planning and Community Development Director
Owners: High Valley Land Company Inc.
Developer: BCC Management LLC
Consultant: Aperio Property Consultants LLC
This project includes concurrent applications for a zone change from A (Agricultural) to PBC (Planned Business Center) for a 6.72 acre site with an associated development plan for an intended indoor self-storage facility development. The project site is part of the larger Briargate Master Plan. The Your Storage at Briargate Development Plan illustrates the layout of the proposed facility with associated landscape, infrastructure and access. Staff is also administratively reviewing a subdivision plat for this site.
Previous Council Action:
Previous council action on this property was at annexation and initial establishment of an A (Agricultural) zone district in 1982.
This proposal includes the rezoning of 6.72 acres from A (Agricultural) to PBC (Planned Business Center) in preparation for a new indoor self-storage facility development, Your Storage at Briargate. This site was initially zoned Agricultural with the original annexation of the Briargate Addition No. 5 Annexation in September 1982. The proposed Your Storage at Briargate will establish an indoor self-storage facility to service the surrounding neighborhoods. The applicant's proposal sets the specific dimensional requirements and illustrates the envisioned layout for the development. Details are further examined in the attached staff report.
The associated applications were submitted under the previous Comprehensive Plan, adopted in 2001, however with the newly adopted PlanCOS in place staff has evaluated the proposed app...
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