The City of Colorado Springs Commission on Aging 2019 Budget Recommendations
Aubrey Day, Chair, Colorado Springs Commission on Aging
The Commission on Aging, created in April 2017 (Ord. No. 17-37), and appointed in the fall of 2017, is charged with making recommendations to the City Council and Mayor during the annual municipal budget process. The Commission held public input sessions to solicit public comment at Silver Key Senior Services on May 23, 2018, and at City Hall on May 31, 2018. The Commission finalized their budget recommendations at their meeting on June 6, 2018, and respectfully submits five budget recommendations that address the needs of seniors in the community for consideration for the 2019 Municipal Budget.
Feedback from the public has informed the Commission that access to affordable housing is viewed as the most important and critical issue facing seniors in our community. Transit follows with an expressed need for better understanding of where expanded service on evening and weekend routes is needed. Finally, infrastructure needs were expressed with recommendations for Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services to include or upgrade amenities to allow for more enjoyment from seniors, and critical sidewalk infrastructure that needs to be addressed to allow seniors fair and equitable access to vital community facilities and hubs.
Previous Council Action:
Housing (statistics provided by the City of Colorado Springs Community Development Division):
The population of El Paso County aged 65+ is projected to grow to 16.5% by 2040. If Colorado Springs' share of 65+ households grows at the same statewide projected rate, senior households will comprise nearly a third of all households in the city by 2040. Nearly a quarter of all senior households rent in Colorado Springs. Currently, the median household income in Colorado Springs is $60,308, whereas the median household income ...
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