A Planned Unit Development for Skyview Village creating a 73-lot, single-family residential development consisting of 7.32 acres with lots ranging in size from 2,224 to over 3,000 square feet located at the northwest corner of Powers Boulevard and Hancock Expressway.
Related File: CPC PUZ 21-00019
Tasha Brackin, Senior Planner, Planning & Community Development
Peter Wysocki, Director, Planning & Community Development
Owner: Challenger Communities, LLC
Developer: Challenger Communities, LLC
Representative: Challenger Homes
Location: Northwest corner of Powers Boulevard and Hancock Expressway
The project includes applications for a zone change and PUD development plan for 7.32 acres of land. The project is herein referred to as "Skyview Village". The zone change request would change the current zoning from PBC AO (Planned Business Park with Airport Overlay) to PUD (Planned Unit Development with Airport Overlay, with a proposed density of 9.9 units per acre and maximum height of 35 feet). The proposed development plan illustrates the envisioned development for a small lot single-family residential development.
The Applicant has requested a change of zone to rezone the project site in order to accommodate the envisioned small lot single-family residential use. The PUD zone change will accommodate the proposed density of 9.9 units per acre and maximum height of 35 feet. The proposed PUD development plan incorporates project-specific development standards tailored to the proposed use and density. City Planning staff notes that the Applicant has proposed project specific standards that are less intensive then the proposed zone district and surrounding developments.
The zoning for this parcel was established in 1980 under ordinance 80-89, and the parcel is located within the Commercial Aeronautical Zone as well as the Pikes Peak Enterprise Zone. Existing development to the north of the pr...
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