Ordinance No. 18-18 amending Sections 101 (Definitions), 103 (Possession or Display), 105 (Exceptions to the Prohibitions) of Part 1 (Dangerous and Deadly Weapons) of Article 7 (Dangerous Weapons and Substances) of Chapter 9 (Public Offenses) of the Code of the City of Colorado Springs 2001, as amended, pertaining to dangerous weapons
Peter Carey, Chief of Police
The proposed ordinance makes changes to City Code pertaining to dangerous weapons to conform to recent changes in State law.
Previous Council Action:
The City Code change is necessary to conform to recent changes in State law. Senate Bill 17-008, which was signed into law in 2017, declassifies the possession of switchblade knives and gravity knives as an illegal or dangerous weapon under State law. Since the change in the State law, the Colorado Springs Police Department ("CSPD") has not charged any individuals with the possession of these types of knives under the current City Code. The Ordinance conforms to the recent State law changes by removing switchblade knives and gravity knives from the definition of prohibited dangerous weapons in City Code. Additionally, the Ordinance contains clean up language to remove blackjacks from the definition of prohibited dangerous weapons under City Code because CSPD has not used that charge in many years.
Financial Implications:
Board/Commission Recommendation:
Stakeholder Process:
The City Attorney's Office worked with CSPD to draft the ordinance.
The City Council may approve, modify, or deny the ordinance.
Recommended Action
Proposed Motion:
Approve the ordinance as presented.
Summary of Ordinance Language
An Ordinance Amending Part 1 (Dangerous And Deadly Weapons) Of Article 7 (Dangerous Weapons And Substances) Of Chapter 9 (Public Offenses) to declassify the possession of switchblade knives, gravity knives, and blackjacks as illegal deadly we...
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