Ordinance No. 15-77 amending the zoning map of the City of Colorado Springs, pertaining to 3.04 acres located at 2727 North Cascade Avenue from R-1 6000 (Single-Family) to PUD (Planned Unit Development).
Peter Wysocki, Planning and Development Director, Planning and Development Department
Applicant: EV Studio
Owner: School District 11
Location: 2727 North Cascade
This project is a request for a Zone change (CPC PUZ 15-00036) of 3.04 acres from R-1 6000 (Single-Family Residential) to PUD (Planned Unit Development)
Previous Council Action:
From 1948 until its closure at the end of the 2013-2014 school year Lincoln Elementary served as the local neighborhood school and a focal point for the Roswell area. The school at 2727 North Cascade Avenue is a one story, brick structure consisting of 42,327 square feet. The building is in the shape of an "L" with the east/west wing containing the front entry, school office, gymnasium/cafeteria, library/auditorium, kitchen and classrooms. The north/south wing consists of classrooms. The tallest portion of the school is the gymnasium at 32 feet. The building surrounds a gravel playground.
The concept plan proposes no additional buildings with the existing playground converted to a parking lot to support the uses within the building. The possible uses within the building include a range of commercial, office, civic and residential uses. The Planning Commission recommended a maximum of 35,000 square feet of commercial uses, a maximum of 20 dwelling units per acre of residential uses (60 dwelling units maximum) and no specified limit on office or civic uses. Drive-through facilities are not permitted. The Planning Commission recommended a maximum building height of 45 feet for residential uses and 35 feet for all other uses. Planning Commission also recommended allowing the use of the parking reduction ratios for certain mix...
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