A Resolution of the City Council of Colorado Springs, Colorado Approving the Proposed 2023 Operating Plan and Budget for the Interquest South Business Improvement District
Carl Schueler, Comprehensive Planning Manager
Michael Tassi, Assistant Director, Planning and Community Development
The Interquest South Business Improvement District (BID) is a legal entity separate from the City of Colorado Springs. However, as required by State statute, it is necessary for City Council to review and approve the proposed 2023 Operating Plan and Budget for the BID.
The Operating Plan and Budget for this BID anticipates no changes from the prior year related to mill levies, additional debt issuances or boundary changes. This BID will continue servicing outstanding debt, install public infrastructure and perform operations and maintenance functions.
The boundaries of this development-specific BID were initially established pursuant to an election in 2004. This BID has an elected board, comprised of developers associated with this property. The District is authorized to provide the acquisition and financing of improvements, construction of improvements, operation and maintenance of parking facilities, roadways, lighting, driveways, public utilities, and landscaping.
This Operating Plan and Budget notes that the District completed the construction of public improvements in 2022 therefore does not anticipate development activity in 2023.
This Operating Plan and Budget is provided in a format consistent with the standard template approved by Council in August 2022 for these documents.
Previous Council Action:
City Council approved formation of this BID in 2004 (Ordinance No. 04-238) and has approved the BID Operating Plan and Budget annually since its formation. In September 2015, Council approved a series of three ordinances and one resolution authorizing exclusions of certain property, inclusions of other prope...
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