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File #: 25-132    Version: Name: Meadoworks Parks and Recreation District - Creation
Type: Resolution Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 2/25/2025 In control: City Council
On agenda: 3/25/2025 Final action:
Title: A Resolution of the City of Colorado Springs approving a Service Plan for the Meadoworks Park and Recreation District formed under the C.R.S. Title 32 serving an area of 117.255 acres located in the southernmost portions of Banning Lewis Ranch contained within the boundaries and/or inclusion area boundaries of Meadoworks Metropolitan District Nos. 1-5. Presenter: Allison Stocker, Senior Planner, Planning Department Kevin Walker, Director, Planning Department
Sponsors: Planning Department
Indexes: Service Plan, Special District
Attachments: 1. Meadoworks_PR_District_Resolution_v2_RG Edits, 2. Exhibit 1_Meadoworks_P&R_Service_Plan, 3. 1_Applicant_CoverLetter_Meadoworks_P&R_District, 4. 3_Redlined_Comparison_to_Percheron_P&R_District, 5. 4_Redlined_Comparison_to_Model_Service_Plan, 6. Exhibit_A_Legal_Description, 7. Exhibit_B_District_Vicinity_Map, 8. Exhibit_C_Initial_Boundary_Map, 9. Exhibit_D_Financial_Plan, 10. Exhibit_E_Description_of_Services
A Resolution of the City of Colorado Springs approving a Service Plan for the Meadoworks Park and Recreation District formed under the C.R.S. Title 32 serving an area of 117.255 acres located in the southernmost portions of Banning Lewis Ranch contained within the boundaries and/or inclusion area boundaries of Meadoworks Metropolitan District Nos. 1-5.
Allison Stocker, Senior Planner, Planning Department
Kevin Walker, Director, Planning Department

This Service Plan creates the Meadoworks Park and Recreation District for the purpose of financing and providing operations and maintenance (O&M) for park and recreation facilities in the Meadoworks development in the southernmost portion of Banning-Lewis Ranch. Park and Recreation Districts are allowed and described in CRS 32-1-307 and CRS 32-1-1005. The Meadoworks Park and Recreation District will be in Council District 4.

Meadoworks Metropolitan Districts are located at the southernmost point of Banning Lewis Ranch north of Bradley Road and contains five (5) metropolitan districts. The proposed Parks and Recreation district will consist of 117.255 acres and will include approximately ten (10) acres of parks and approximately five (5) acres of trails and open space.

This Service Plan is a single service plan for a single district and utilizes the Special District Policy and Model Service Plan which among other provisions, allows mill levies to support a financial plan to issue future debt without needing to come back to City Council for subsequent approval.

The Service Plans for Meadoworks Metropolitan Districts 1-5 already provide for park and recreation facilities and services; statute allows for overlapping districts to offer the similar services so long as they are not duplicative.

The District will serve an area of 117.255 acres. The District's proposed mill levy will be a combined 10 mills - 5 mills for debt service and 5 mills for operations and mainten...

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