A PUD development plan amendment for 45.66-acres located southeast of Grand Vista Circle and West Fillmore Street allowing 123 single-family dwelling units.
Related Files: CPC PUZ 21-00187 & CPC PUP 19-00026-A1MJ21
Caleb Jackson, AICP, Senior Planner, Planning and Community Development
Peter Wysocki, Director, Planning and Community Development
Owner: Goodwin Knight
Representative: Galloway, Grant Dennis
Location: Southeast of Grand Vista Circle at West Fillmore Street
The proposed PUD zone change would add single-family dwellings as an allowed use and adjust the lower end of the density range from 3.5 to 2.38 dwelling units per acre. The proposed PUD concept plan illustrates the intended single-family development of the site. The PUD development plan proposes final details for a 123-unit single-family development.
The site has remained undeveloped since annexation in 1971 and is subject to Garden of the Gods Club Master Plan which envisions residential development of the site. In 2020, a PUD zone change, PUD concept plan, and PUD development plan were approved to allow 130 townhomes on this site. A PUD zone change is proposed to add single-family dwellings as a permitted use. An accompanying PUD concept plan amendment and PUD development plan amendment proposes a 123-unit single-family development on the site. The site is undeveloped and features typical dryland vegetation on most of the site and more riparian vegetation in spots along Mesa Creek which flows through some portions of the site. The topography slopes down to Mesa Creek with some significant slopes found both to the east and west of the creek.
To allow the proposed development, the applicant has provided a PUD zone change application. The proposed zoning is PUD/SS/HS (Planned Unit Development: Single-Family and/or Multi-Family, 2.38 to 7.99 du/ac not to exceed 364 units, max building heights as shown on a...
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