A Resolution Amending Resolution No. 131-20 Modifying the 2021 Sand Creek Basin Fees.
Richard Mulledy, P.E., Stormwater Enterprise Manager, Stormwater Enterprise
Erin Powers, P.E., Senior Engineer, Stormwater Enterprise
The Colorado Springs/El Paso County Drainage Board at their January 21, 2021, meeting approved a recommendation to City Council to set the Sand Creek Basin drainage fee at $18,841 per acre, and to remove the current bridge, pond land, pond facility, and surcharge fees in the Sand Creek Basin.
The Drainage Board's recommendation to modify the Sand Creek basin fees is based on the recent adoption of the 2021 Sand Creek Drainage Basin Planning Study (DBPS). The last approved Sand Creek DBPS was completed by Kiowa Engineering in 1996. A detention analysis for Upper Sand Creek was completed in 2009 by Wilson & Company. A full update to the Sand Creek DBPS, including Upper Sand Creek, was performed by Stantec Inc. to account for recent annexations and changes in stormwater criteria.
Fees in the Sand Creek Basin currently consist of a drainage fee ($13,775/acre), a bridge fee ($819/acre), a pond land fee ($1,070/acre), a pond facility fee ($3,957/acre), and a surcharge ($1,435/acre). Including the surcharge, total basin fees within Ridgeview and Indigo Ranch are currently $21,056 per acre. Total fees in areas of the Sand Creek Basin not subject to the surcharge are currently $19,621 per acre. Based on the 2021 Sand Creek DBPS, the Drainage Board recommended a change to the drainage fees in the Sand Creek Basin. Specifically, the recommendation is for a drainage fee of $18,841 per acre and to remove the current bridge, pond land, pond facility, and surcharge fees.
Because no additional regional detention ponds are planned within the Sand Creek Basin, the pond land and pond facility fees are no longer needed. The surcharge is no longer applicable to undeveloped areas of Sand Creek. Additionall...
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