Ordinance No. 19-56 amending the zoning map for the City of Colorado Springs pertaining to 23.46 acres located northeast of the intersection of Running Water Drive and New Life Drive from A (Agricultural) to PUD (Planned Unit Development; single-family detached residential, 3.5-8 dwelling units per acre, 35-foot maximum building height).
Related Files: CPC MP 06-00219-A9MJ19, CPC PUD 19-00030
Peter Wysocki, Director of Planning and Community Development
Katie Carleo. Principal Planner, Planning and Community Development
Owner: Pulpit Rock Investments
Consultant Representative: N.E.S. Inc.
Location: Northeast of the intersection of Running Water Drive and New Life Drive
This project includes concurrent applications for a major amendment to the Flying Horse Master Plan changing the land use designation from multi-family residential (12-20 dwelling units per acre) to a reduced density for single-family residential at 3.5-8 dwelling units per acre; a zone change of 23.46 acres from A (Agricultural) to PUD (Planned Unit Development; single-family detached residential, 3.5-8 dwelling units per acre, 35-foot maximum building height) and the associated development plan for the new Flying Horse Capri residential development.
The subject property is located northeast of Running Water Drive and New Life Drive and just south of Black Squirrel Creek. It was annexed into the City in 2003 under the Flying Horse Ranch Addition. The site has remained vacant since annexation.
The existing Flying Horse Master Plan currently identifies the area for development as multi-family high residential with 12-20 DU/AC (dwelling units per acre). The proposed master plan amendment reduces this density to the 3.5-8 dwelling units per acre category as identified on the master plan within parcel 13. This will establish a category that will support the proposed single-family detached residential development with a ...
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