A resolution adopting findings of fact and conclusions of law based thereon and determining the eligibility for annexation of property known as Extol Park Vista Addition No. 2 Annexation.
Gabe Sevigny, Planning Supervisor, Planning and Neighborhood Services
Kevin Walker, Interim Planning Director, Planning and Neighborhood Services
Owner: Extol Homes, LLC, Brad Griebenow
Representative: Land Development Consultants, Inc, Dave Hostetler
Location: 4401 Siferd Boulevard
The proposed annexation is located within the Park Vista enclave and is comprised of 0.66 acres. The application seeks to bring this property into the City municipal limits. There is an associated zone establishment of R-5/AP-O (Multi-Family High with Airport Overlay) and a Preliminary/Final Plat showing the future use as single-family attached housing. The difference in acreage from the annexation total of 0.66 acres to the Preliminary/Final Plat total of 0.67 acres is due to addressing a platting error of a northern small tract that has already been annexed into the municipal boundaries of Colorado Springs.
The proposed annexation and associated applications were reviewed under City Code Chapter 7.
Please see the attached City Planning Commission Staff Report for a complete analysis of the proposed applications.
Review Criteria:
The below criteria from City Code (Chapter 7) outline the applicable codes associated with this overall project and each associated application.
The Conditions for Annexation as set forth in City Code Section 7.6.203 (Chapter 7) are noted below:
1. The area proposed to be annexed is a logical extension of the City's boundary;
2. The development of the area proposed to be annexed will be beneficial to the City. Financial considerations, although important, are not the only criteria and shall not be the sole measure of benefit to the City;
3. There is a projected available water surplus a...
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