A request by Assisted Living at the Spring, LLC for approval of a conditional use development plan to allow a Human Service Facility in a PBC/AO (Planned Business Center with Airport Overlay) zone district. The project is for a 30 bed assisted living facility. The site is zoned PBC/AO (Planned Business Center with Airport Overlay), contains 0.61 acres and is located at 1605 Jet Wing Drive.
Lonna Thelen, Principal Planner, Planning and Community Development
Recommended Action
Proposed Motion:
Approve the conditional use for Assisted Living at the Spring, based upon the finding that the plan complies with the conditional use and development plan review criteria in City Code Sections 7.5.704 and 7.5.502.E, subject to compliance with the following technical and/or informational plan modifications:
Technical and Informational Modifications to the Conditional Use Development Plan:
1. Show the accessible space and the accessible aisle as 8’, not 10’.
2. Since the required access is being shown to start in parking stalls, those parking stalls need to be converted to a fire lane so apparatus can pull into those spots. Required 150-ft measurements are taken where the apparatus is able to drive to and from there, where they reach around the building. If removing the parking is not desired, access from another location must be provided or if the building is/will be equipped with an approved fire sprinkler system, indicate such on the plans.
3. Identify ground level treatments on the landscape plan.
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