Resolution Revising the Membership Structure of the Lodgers and Automobile Rental Tax (LART) Citizen’s Advisory Committee
Laurel Prud’homme, LART Citizen’s Advisory Committee Chair
Jacquelyn Puett, Assistant to Council, Liaison to the LART Citizen’s Advisory Committee
The proposed Resolution revises the LART Citizen’s Advisory Committee membership structure from seven members to 11, to include additional representatives from the tourism and hotel industry. Please see the attached draft Resolution. The LART Citizen’s Advisory Committee members met several times in 2018 to discuss the proposed revisions and included input from Council President Pro Tem Jill Gaebler and Councilmember Tom Strand throughout the process.
Previous Council Action:
The membership structure of the LART Citizen’s Advisory Committee was last revised in July 2001, with Resolution No. 106-01.
Resolution No. 254-80 created the LART Citizen’s Advisory Committee. The Committee acts in an advisory capacity to City Council in all matters concerning expenditures of any revenues derived from the Lodgers and Automobile Rental Tax.
Financial Implications:
Board/Commission Recommendation:
The LART Citizen’s Advisory Committee recommended approval of the Resolution on August 9, 2018.
Stakeholder Process:
Recommended Action
Proposed Motion:
Approve the Resolution in support of the revisions to the LART Citizen’s Advisory Committee membership structure.
Summary of Ordinance Language