Ordinance No. 21-28 vacating portions of a public right-of-way described as the western portion of Metzler Avenue as platted in Metzler's Subdivision consisting of 0.157 of an acre.
Ryan Tefertiller, Planning Manager, Planning and Community Development Department
Peter Wysocki, Planning Director, Planning and Community Development Department
Owner: City of Colorado Springs
Developer: On the Ivy, LLC
Representative: Whitehead Engineering, LLC
Location: West of Creekwalk Court (formerly Mt. Washington Ave.), between E. St. Elmo Ave. and E. Ramona Ave.
The owner and developer of the adjacent parcels, On the Ivy, LLC, requests the vacation of the western-most 167 feet of Metzler Avenue. Metzler Ave. was platted as part of the Metzler's Subdivision in 1923. The existing right-of-way is only 40 feet wide, the roadway is not constructed to City standards, and only provides access to the immediately adjoining properties. The vacation of the roadway will allow the adjacent properties to be developed for a significant residential infill project.
The roadway to be vacated is located within the South Nevada Urban Renewal Area and bisects two properties that are planned for a new multi-family residential project. The right-of-way and road improvements are not to City standards and only provide access to the adjacent property which is owned by the developer. Metzler Ave. provides no options for through traffic as the right-of-way dead-ends at Cheyenne Creek. Staff has provided a context map illustrating the location of the roadway relative to planning and development projects in the area.
While all City agencies support the proposed vacation, due to the presence of utility infrastructure within the area proposed for vacation, the proposed vacation ordinance will retain public utility easements over the entirety of the vacated area. These easements can be administratively vacated after the inf...
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