ConnectCOS-Colorado Springs Transportation Master Plan Update
Tim Roberts, Transportation Planning Program Manager, Public Works Department
Todd Frisbie, City Traffic Engineer, Public Works Department
Ted Ritschard, Olsson
The ConnectCOS Transportation Plan for a Mobile Community is a city-wide and multi-modal transportation master plan, which is intended to replace the 2001 Intermodal Transportation Plan in its entirety except for certain identified topical elements.
The attached draft ordinance that was presented to both the Citizens Transportation Advisory Board (CTAB) and the City Planning Commission includes language that addresses certain prior related approval actions related to the documents that will be superseded with the adoption of this Plan, along with the other related documents that will be remain in effect.
The City of Colorado Springs has grown, and transportation planning practices have changed since the last citywide transportation plan occurred in 2001. Emerging technologies, changing demographics and travel choices have occurred, along with different perceptions and expectations of an effective mobility system. PlanCOS established a vision and goals for the community through an extensive public process that gave voice to citizens' dreams and desires. ConnectCOS is designed to help realize the community vision and the transportation system that supports it.
The city has completed a technical and data-driven process to integrate transportation best practices, the input of advisors, stakeholders, and the public to develop a forward-looking transportation master plan. The technical analysis was guided by a goal framework developed through early input from citizens and stakeholders to focus results on improving the transportation system to be more safe, equitable, sustainable, efficiently reliable, accessible, and connected.
A data-driven analysis of the existing system and forecast c...
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